Oh heavens...
Where have I been? Not recording my thoughts here! That's for sure!
I sometimes get frustrated that there are these gaping holes in things I try to record! I am so ambitious with what I try to accomplish, of course I can't keep up all the time.
But, I love that I can pick it up and try again.
I have almost finished my 365 Book of Mormon scripture prompts.
Of course the list has always been available, but the cute printables are almost done! I'll post them this week.
I want to post my thoughts on those scriptures here daily.
But, lately I have felt the desire to study so many other things as well. I guess that is no different from what it always is!
I want to be more open, in my own organized, finite mind, to the possibility, to the Spirit, to study wherever I want from day to day. It may be the Book of Mormon, it may be the Bible, it may be other religious books, or the Ensign.
As long as I'm connecting, reaching, pondering, learning each day I'm good.
Today in the 365 we are on day 256 -
When prophecy is fulfilled, then people can see the error of their ways.
These people have regret for killing the prophets, not listening to them... because now, everything the prophets said would happen, is happening. They are witnessing three days of darkness and great earth upheaval because of Christ's crucifixion in the old world.
The prompt says rejecting prophets
brings suffering... Is it God that is making the people suffer, or themselves? In this case it is the choices the people have made, as they have rejected the teachings of the prophets, that has brought great suffering to them and their loved ones.
Really prophets are the mouthpiece for God. In rejecting them we are rejecting God and His laws and ways. He gives us commandments and guidelines to help keep us safe, at peace and happy..
When prophecy is fulfilled these people can see they are wrong, the prophets were correct, they were indeed prophets.
What happens then? When they see they have been wrong? Do they then suddenly turn to God and repent?
Here is where I feel the laws of heaven play themselves out.
Just because you see... now... that there is a God, that the scriptures are true, that there was/is indeed a living prophet, and your eyes are open... does it change anything?
That sudden knowledge may present itself quickly, but then, what next? Then do you magically have faith because you see you were in error? No! I'm sure there is sudden remorse, sudden guilt, a sudden desire to seek mercy. Are those things faith? Nope!
Faith is developed, it is something you have to grow and practice.
As we read on, though we see, as we do today, that God still calls. Now that these people see, those who want to progress and move forward can repent (none of those were listed above with all of the sudden realizations) and start to develop their faith.
I don't believe that everyone who is brought to the same knowledge will make the same choices.
But, for those who choose to follow Christ and develop their faith there is a great reward coming in the next few chapters... both scripturally speaking and presently speaking.
We have a living prophet today. He speaks the mind and will of our Father, still.
Do we listen? Do we follow with exactness?
The scriptures are full of prophecy for three culminating events, the birth of Jesus Christ , His atonement and His second coming.
Do you believe He will come again?