THIS is my post from last year. Unity as a people.
This year, after just listening to General Conference, I see the correlation between these scriptures and Elder Nelson's talk.
He is an apostle of the Lord and spoke about unity. The leadership of God's church isn't a hired position. People don't resign or get fired, even as they age. They serve the Lord, it is His church. They don't do anything for the benefit of themselves, it is all for the Lord's Church.
He spoke about the safety net of having a prophet, with his two counselors at the head, and then 12 apostles, all ordained, holding the restored keys to be prophets, seers and revelators.
Elder Nelson talked about the difference between all 15 men and how unanimity is difficult among any 15 people. And so it is with surety they go forward when all 15 of them have had the same witness of the Holy Ghost.
That is unity. That is unity among His apostles that Christ is praying about in these scriptures.
And these men are called to the work why? "... it is because of their belief in me that I have chosen them out of the world."
And then it trickles to all of us that are disciples of Jesus Christ, who follow Him via his Prophet and Apostles...
"Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words."
We can receive our own witness, the Holy Ghost can and will speak to us, when these men lead us in truth.
What is the purpose? You can see it clearly... to draw us in to the Savior himself.
"...those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one."
These men leading us are the mouthpiece of our Father in Heaven. Their desire isn't fame, fortune, anything of the world. It isn't popularity, or to have control over us... how ever in the world could they?
Theirs is the work of love, to give us strength and guidance as we all navigate through life. To hold, still, the line that is God's. Theirs is the responsibility to call us all back, remind us of who we are, and who our Savior is.
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