Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 283

I studied this morning, but have been away from the computer all day... it was a great thing!

I am amazed how much of the Book of Mormon is full of this subject, really.  Go through next time you start from the beginning and study how much info there is on this subject.

Christ is telling the Nephites of course to study the words of Isaiah... us too...

As we study what this prophet had to say we see that God makes and keeps his promises.  We see fulfillment of Isaiah's words. 

I've thought a lot today about Gods people, the house of Israel.
I thought about fairness, is it fair to have 'a people'.
I reaffirmed to myself that indeed it is! 

I look at my kids and I know which ones have that personality I can count on to do different things.  They are each from me, my line, but it speaks to me the power of lineage, that there are people who will not waiver with their faith... Would these be in your line in you were a God... who needed a certain set of people to keep truth and continuously share your message, so as time goes on and people forget... there is someone to count on?

I thought about the people who were the house of Israel, who were scattered because they wouldn't obey!  We all have a choice.  We will always have a choice.

So it is important to understand the part of gathering God speaks of... who are His people?
Those who will seek Him, who will follow, who will make covenants and enter into His kingdom.  Those who will be baptized.  Those who will be faithful and valiant.  That is the house of Israel, those are whom will be gathered.

There is still so much for me to learn and understand regarding this subject.  I love it!
I see wisdom, again in sending Lehi to this new land 'scattering' His people via this prophet and his line.  By doing that, by keeping a record of that, you have posterity thousands of years later that hear it and want to be part of it... they enter into the house, they are being gathered via this scattering.

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