Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 330

The student manual notes the similarities of king Riplakish and king Noah... how both oppressed the people, relished in their own desires, and ultimately were then killed by their own people...

This reminded me of the opposite situation, in the case of Lamoni's father, and all of the Lamanites that were converted unto the Lord when he sent out the decree to let these Nephites preach.  Thousands were brought to the knowledge of their Lord. 

Were these people just ready and waiting... or did the example of their leader, their king turn their hearts?

It was probably both.  If your heart isn't ready to hear the witness, then it wouldn't matter if people were preaching to you right?  As I say that I want to take it back.  Even if your heart isn't ready, the goodness and love, the change that comes through seeing people who are happy can be small, but influential.

And, if you had a king that prevented that knowledge to be taught, you wouldn't hear it.

What was the result of the different kings and their kingdoms?  Evil vs. good.  Happy people and peace vs. oppression and anger. 

Indeed our leaders have much to do with the pulse of the land they are ruling over.

I feel fortunate to live in a land where I have choice, especially with religion.  Whether I agree or disagree with politics or practice... I have freedom to love and worship how I will.  And really that is what will lead me home peacefully to my loving Father in Heaven.

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