- Why is it noted what he is wearing?
He was not wearing fancy, comfortable robes of those that worked in the temple and synogoges. He didn't eat fancy food. He was a man of the desert, rough and simple. Much like the prophets of old, one with God, taught of Him one on one in the desert (Moses).
- He warns the Pharisees and Sadducees who had been caught up in the ceremonialism so much that their spirituality had 'withered almost to death in the hearts of the people'. His warning is to soften their hearts for repentance.
- He is trying to help them see that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone, and Christ was on His way. You don't just walk into the kingdom of God because of your lineage. You have to be worthy of that, and that the promise of Abraham is for all who repent, enter the waters of baptism and receive the Holy Ghost, which he knew he didn't have the authority to give at that time.
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