Friday, December 20, 2013

The Nativity... Christmas Gifts From Me!

Can you believe Christmas is almost here?
How have you been doing on your reading?
Did you think I fell off the earth?

I have been reading, and thinking of hope, faith and charity with where we are right now in the prompts.  I'll be back to share.

But, wanted to post this beautiful video of the Bible story of the Nativity.

I have some Christmas gifts to give away to anyone who wants them.

I have 5 more of these videos that feature the Mormon Tabernacle Choir... which I will ship to you... just for Christmas... for free of course!

Also if you'd like a free Book of Mormon or a Bible, just leave a comment or email, and I'll send you one... again for free!

Why?  Because I believe peace and joy, clarity and comfort come through seeking the best things in life.  I think we can find the best things as we seek our Heavenly Father and find him through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 343- The Good Word

Well, I have a bunch of new followers via Bloglovin'!  I have reached 100!  I have no idea how, but welcome to any of you that are new! 
I hope this is a place your heart, soul and spirit can be nourished, fed and enriched.
This is my place to record things that I'm learning as I study the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Can you believe this year is almost over?  We are at day 343!  Crazy!
I have been thirsting as of late... I'm not in my scriptures near enough for me.  I've become distracted with other things.  I can feel the shift in my life when I lose my perspective, when I misplace my priorities.
All we can do is repent, ask forgiveness and change, even if it's over and over again!
Moroni 6:4 - Nourished By the Good Word of God
And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith.
First, to be 'wrought upon' is to be impacted or influenced. 
In our faith baptism is not complete without the following step of confirmation of the Holy Ghost. 
The new members of the church, who enter the waters of baptism are then impacted or influenced... and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I like that this scripture uses the word power of the Holy Ghost To be able to tap into that power, the authority of the Priesthood needs to be present with the baptism and confirmation.
...that they might be remembered and nourished... why?  To keep them in the right way.
If you have been baptized into the LDS church your name goes on record.  When you move to a new location, your records go to your new ward or congregation.  The church keeps records of important dates like baptism, blessing of children, marriage, etc. 
Even if you no longer are active in the faith, unless you officially have your name removed from the records of the church we reach to you.

I thought about this just yesterday.  There is a new sister in our ward... I only know that because we have her records.  They've not been to church.  I haven't met her, but she is now a sister I visit teach.  I have called her a couple of times, with no reply!
I will reach to her, unless she tells me to get lost!!!
Why?  Because, at some point she made a commitment, entered the waters of baptism, was confirmed a member of our church, received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
We forget, we make choices that lead us away, we feel guilty, we feel we don't fit in, we question, we hurt... and sometimes that keep us from feeling the love of our Savior. 
I believe members of this faith, all across the world, have sincere desires to reach to those who feel lost, or sad, or need help... We genuinely care!  I know it doesn't always feel that way to someone who leaves the church.  I stepped away for a time, my husband has left completely.  I can say from all sides, people reaching to /us, has nothing to do with anything other than genuine love!  What do they benefit from reaching to you?  Nothing... and at times they are slapped in the face, treated poorly for reaching, for caring, for loving.
I care for this woman I've not met.  I will reach to her.  I have no idea why she has chosen to not come to church, but I don't really care about that at this point.  At some point she made a choice to become a member of this church and I hope to help strengthen her with the good word of God... to help keep her on that path, to help her feel the love of her Savior, to help her on her journey back to Him. 
This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ right?  This is what it means to become like Him... to love as He does, to care as He does, to lift and light as He does.