Thankful for...
A chilling run outside. It was windy and cold, but I still appreciated getting out.
Study time...
Mosiah 6:7 - Love the learned behavior Of Mosiah from his wonderful father king Benjamin. He didn't want to burden his people, he wanted to be like his father and work with his people. Work ethic, on the parents heads to teach that to our children.
8:20 - Like that is says the Lord doth suffer with his people. Also '... how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men for they will not seek wisdom...' Footnote on blind is spiritual blindess. Because they won't seek wisdom. Where do you suppose that wisdom is to come from, what does he want us continually looking/seeking for or from? And why won't they seek that wisdom? They don't want it to rule over them. Hmmm. Could you replace the word 'wisdom' with 'God'? Lack of understanding is a result of not seeking God, it is spiritual blindness. There is so much wisdom he would hope to show us, if we would just be willing and able to recieve it.
Went to a skating rink w/ Melissa today. Need to write about that! It was fun.
Thankful for...
A good cleansing! Molly came over to watch Gray's and made a 'smoothie' for me! Didn't love it, but tried it anyway! I'd rather eat a salad... with no dressing. Love watching GA w/ my buddy!
Study time...
Mosiah 4:11,12 - '... that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance...' remember what? Remember the greatness of God and our own nothingness. Why? Humility. If we are humble we will rely and '... call on the name of the Lord daily...' As we do that we '... stand steadfastly in faith...'. What are we promised if we do this? v.12 says we not only receive remission of sin, but we also '...grow in knowledge of his glory...' and '... knowledge of that which is just and true.' Remember, and always retain in remembrance. Don't let that slip out of your mind.
Laundry day, ug!
Thankful for...
Big blessings! Thought I'd lost E at one point on this trip! It made my heart race. So thankful to have found him!
Study time...
Started on these balloon wreaths on the trip. They go pretty fast! Pretty expensive to make actually, but I'll love hanging them during our birthday weeks.
Thankful for...
family time. Although I don't love the Sunday choice, it's ok. The kids were so happy when we told them we were going to the water park!
Study time...
none today... I did get a few verses in before we left. Not a good 'study', but at least I was in there, and that is better than nothing!
the joy of hearing the news!
Thankful for...
Take out and fast food! After a long photo shoot I didn't want to go home and cook. McD's for the kids and Chipotle for M and I. Nice!
Study time...
Read some in the BofM. Also started reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O. Rich. Love these first thoughts on happiness.
"Life, the raw materials of this earth, and the timeless unchangeable authority of laws which govern nature and human nature, are gifts of God, the rest we must learn and earn for ourselves, including happiness." -Alexander Magoun
"Every honest, righteous man or woman knows that happiness is an achievement wrought out of the fabric of life and living. In this truth lies all the dignity of righteousness. Every son and daughter of God must learn this one fundamental precept of His divine grace; that God will give them all that they are willing and able to receive." He then quotes Phillip Brooks, 'Rememeber, God is teaching you always as much truth as you can learn. If you are in sorrow at your ignorance, still you must not despair. Be capable for more knowledge and it shall be given you. What hinders you from knowing God perfectly is not God's unwillingness but your imperfectness. Grow better and purer, and diviner wisdom shall come to you, not given as wages, as reward, but simply admitted into a nature grown more capable of receiving it.
O in the snow. Finally!
Thankful for...
Days I don't have to go anywhere... or 'need' to, but don't!
Study time...
Thoughts of Omni... Five writers in that little record. None of which really have anything to say. Omni himself says he's a wicked man. There is no new revelation in the time period covered in this little book (around 231 years, about the same amount of time covered in the prior books). There is no one righteous enough to receive. Apostasy? It amazes me that thought the prophets saw and warned of this very thing no one in it noticed it while it was happening and all but a few (which Mosiah led away from the wicked Nephites) turned away from the Lord and forgot, no longer knew, were lost.
E sleeping, still not 100%. Love how he tucks his little hands under his face.
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