Thankful for...
Endless hot water! The unfortunate incident of our hot water heater dying was really not so unfortunate! I really go into sauna mode these days. I toast my skin and don't even feel cold when I get out because I need some refreshment! It's pretty fabulous, not gonna lie!
Study time...
Went back and read from "A Companion to Your Study of the B of M", by Ludlow. I'll skim through as I read and see what he says that catches my eye. I wrote yesterday of 'all is well in Zion'. His take on it is, we say all is well and we should be calling it as it is, sharing and warning those around us, because we know these are the last days, the days both the Bible and BofM foresee. All too often I sit back and don't say anything because people live what they choose. Truth is truth, but we all have a choice to believe in it. I've wondered if I don't say enough...
Jacob 2:8 - the word of God healeth the soul. So much emphasis is put on prayer, which of course I agree with, but there is undeniable power in the word of God. His word is the conduit through which the Spirit can speak, and offer healing, comfort, knowledge, revelation... read His word!!!
2:25 - chastisement for whoredoms. He tells the people that he broke this branch off, brought these people here to raise up a righteous branch, not to repeat what was happening in the old world. Ironic that in our day this land, to which he is speaking is now worse than the old land, and he'd probably tell them not to do what we are doing! Our culture today, in this land, is worse, as far as whoredoms go, than probably any land. It's all part of everyday life now, here, you hear about it all the time.
Comfort in the Lord always... he wants his daughters to be chaste. I'm sure I'm not the only woman who finds it challenging to live in a world where so much emphasis is put on how a woman looks. It drives me crazy! Why does it matter? I can't even go there! I lose focus at times and forget that the Lord delighteth in the chastity of women. (Chastity is sexual purity. Those who are chaste are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions... as defined by the gospel library) THAT is who and what I want to be. THAT is who I want my daughter to be. That is who I AM, and it makes the Lord happy. No need to compete with the things of the world, I will never win.
Little E came up to me tonight while I was studying and I held him while he cried (very loud). I gave him some tickles to help him feel better. You tickle my hands and arms, he said. My camera was still upstairs so I took a picture of our hands. His are still small. They won't be for long. It goes so fast. I love my little E.
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