Monday (1/23)
Thankful for...
Those few moments when O takes care of E, when he plays big brother and sets the tone. Several times today he helped E out of the goodness of his heart... shared his chex mix, helped him get a drink. It seems they are at each others throats so many times during the day, arguing over the dumbest stuff of course, that these times really are precious!
Study time...
I got so frustrated at my two youngest today. I keep telling them the rule, not to play with/ touch the DVD's, I'll get them out. The several they touch get scratched and then, of course we can't use them. I got SO frustrated because I have set the rule, implemented consequences when rule is broken, but they still don't get it. I thought to myself, after yelling, how can I be Christlike? How does God just not get so mad at us? Then I thought about where I've been reading. Oh, he does! And he will punish the people who openly rebel against him right? That is what makes me so mad, they know it's wrong, I've asked way more than I need to, I've punished them for breaking the rule...WHY are they still being disobedient? I don't get it!
Anyway, of course they are little and still learning, blah blah, but it was a good reminder that God has his limits too before He will lose his temper, per say, and let us have it!
Finished this winter wreath...
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