Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday - Sunday 2/10-2/12

Thankful for...
Family time.  Made valentines together, watched ET together, very good!

Study time...
We don't read about many specific women in the Book of Mormon, quite few, but in Alma 19 we read about two, Lamoni's wife, and Abish.  V 10 tells us that Lamoni's wife is faithful, even more than many of the Nephite women.  She trusts Ammon, she watches over her husband faithfully, then comes to know what he did, that Jesus is the Christ. 
Apparenlty Abish already knew this.  She must have been very excited, the thoughts of others having her same knowledge, maybe she could worship openly?  She went and got some people to witness this.
In v 28 she is sensitive to the growing contention.  Being the only one with faith awake at that time (via my interpretation!) she reaches for the queen.  The queen is raised.  Now she wasn't dead, but there is some significance of the queen being out like a light and being raised by a faithful woman.  Abish didn't have the priesthood, but certainly used the influence of it, with her faith, as she raised the queen.  Then, the queen raised her husband.  I found this story one I want to ponder more.  I found significance in the husband raising up her husband.

Valentine airplanes for G's class.

Thankful for...
Time off.  M was awesome today.  Took the kids for the day!  When I was home he was the parent on duty!  I needed that!

Study time..
Reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O Rich.  I really enjoy it, find myself re-reading things, so they sink in!  A couple of thoughts that stood out...

"Is the gospel of Jesus Christ simply to be possessed or is it to be lived?  This is to ask whether you believe the gospel or have faith in it.  Since faith is belief in action, it follows that those who have faith in the gospel must live it.  To possess the gospel w/o using it is the expression of belief alone, not the active principle of faith."

"The principles of the gospel are timeless and eternal.  The plan of the gospel is a free gift to man, given by the grace of God through his son, Jesus Christ.  But man's full salvation in the light of the gospel demands his own active participation."

Last night I snuggled my little E at bedtime. M wasn't home yet and I was tired so we lay in my bed together. I closed my eyes and when I opened them E's little eyes were right up to mine. We giggled and laughed. He kept smacking his lips, which we do when we want kisses, then he'd say thanks mom after I kissed him. Oh these precious moments with my little guy. It reminded me of when he was a baby and would grab my face, I loved it. So I wanted to capture it today.

Thankful for...
Today was a day!  Crying boys, fighting boys, headaches, M home late... ugh!
BUT, I am thankful it is Friday!

Study time...
Alma 17 - v2- Scriptures contain the word of God, studying them = knowledge.
I need to build testimony of fasting.  Don't know why I haven't tapped into that power yet.  Maybe I ought to try it out?  There is much talk of fasting in these verses.  Certainly that is an area I am weak.

Little boys pushing each other around in the laundry basket.  Using the WII remote for their steering wheel!

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