Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday 2/19 to Thurs 2/23

Thursday 2/23
Thankful for...
The phone call from my mom this morning. I'm glad she calls. I've been thinking about her, but sometimes I just can't find the time to pick up my phone. I'm also glad she didn't ask if we could do family photos when we go out there again this year!!!

Study time...
Alma 31 teaches us the difference in repetitive prayer of the Zoramites vs the heartfelt specific prayer of Alma.
V35 - asks for power and wisdom to bring these souls to God. I'm sure they must have had an 'eyes wide open' moment walking into these places of worship. Surely you need wisdom from God, and he showed them the people who were actually ready to hear His word. The humble ones.


Wednesday 2/22
Thankful for...
Little kids vacuuming. I am teaching Q & G to vacuum their rooms. It's nice to have some helpers.

Study time...
Alma 30 - Really Korihor? If there was no God would there BE angels to fool you into thinking there were no God? Really? I think v 53 says it all. Saying there is no bad, no good really bodes well for all things carnal and he admits that he liked that, and other people did too, which justified his belief. So, he found an excuse, or his own belief to justify his behavior.
Also, we don't get to choose our signs. I'm sure the sign he was looking for was more angelic than being dummed.

O loves to help whenever I cook anything. He'll pull a chair over and wants to stir or watch. Because he does little E is never far behind. Today it was just me and O, stirring muffin mix.

Tuesday 2/21
Thankful for...
A new helper for activity days!  Yea!

Study time...
Reading Alma 29.  Thinking about his strong desire to preach the gospel and how that comes from being truly repentant and changed.  He has been on both sides of light and dark.  Seeing how much he wants for others shows of his conversion.  He is truly changed, not only in conviction of what he believes, but his very nature.  The atonement changes us.  His desire to love and give is Christlike, he is changed.

Took the kids to McD's today and let them actually go in!  AND we got ice cream!

Monday 2/20
Thankful for...
A beautiful day!  I ran 8 miles today (still under 8/mi).  It has been a LONG time!  Glad my time wasn't too far off.

Study time...
Alma 27:8 - The people of Ammon offer to be slaves to the Nephites to repair the damage they've done.  Part of repentance is restoration.  You can't give life back, which is why it is such a tremendous sin, second only to denying the Holy Ghost.  Still, they are repentant and want to give back, say sorry, restore.  They continue to live their lives in such a manner that we can see they truly repented, were changed through the atonement.  They will receive a glory in the life hereafter, although not celestial.


Sunday 2/19
Thankful for...
Social time.  Went to the Hulse's to visit w/ the Gruwell's and other good friends.  It was wonderful.

Study time...
Took time to read more of my book, and catch up on some scriptures. 

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