Thankful for...
ONE night this week we ate dinner as a family... meaning Matt made it home to be with us. It was really nice!
Study time...
Alma 9 - All I could think about while reading this verse was how important it is to have the record. It is amazing that each of us have access to the records of our fathers, at our finger tips. If each of these cities had access to the records of their fathers would they be so quick to forget? These people all over the place were relying on what their parents taught them, paired with the occasional visit from the priest or prophet. Some cities had the church established, working and going, but after a while they each go through a period of forgetting and having to be brought back.
Left to the devices of just being human, w/o God and some sort of tool to remember him with... man will forget. That isn't even taking into account the works of Satan.
It is prophesied there will not be another apostasy. This is the last dispensation for one, but God's word is available for all that want it. We can all hear the prophet speak, the apostles fly all over the world to preach and build the kingdom. We all have so many ways to access the word of God. There would be NO EXCUSE for us to forget! It is all here at our finger tips.
The scriptures and a living prophet are critical in a time when the world questions God.
Q makeup'd freckles on her today. She left them on all evening. She thought they were cute! Doesn't matter what she does, she's cute!
Tuesday 1/31
Thankful for...
Seeing new things! Molly and I went out to see Bonnie Lux's fine art gallery. It was very cool! I'm proud of her, I think she is an amazing artist. I want to get some jewelry made and sell it there. It is such a fun space! I love that Molly gets me, that she said 'I can see the wheels spinning in your head'. It's so nice to have someone that gets you! So I guess I'm thankful for experiencing something new AND having such a great friend!
Study time...
Alma 7:11-13 - talking about the Savior here upon the earth, suffering affliction, temptation of every kind, death, ...suffering according to the flesh.
So that he could succor his people according to their infirmities.
1. help; relief; aid; assistance.
2. a person or thing that gives help, relief, aid, etc.
1250–1300; (v.) Middle English sucuren < Old French suc ( c ) urre, socorre < Latin succurrere to go beneath, run to help, equivalent to suc- suc- + currere to run ( see current); (noun) Middle English soc ( o ) ur, back formation from sucurs (taken as plural) < Old French < Medieval Latin succursus, equivalent to Latin succur ( rere ) + -sus, var of -tus suffix of v. action
v14 - Interesting that normally the word faith is then followed by repentance, baptism, holy ghost etc. In this verse baptism and repentance come first... that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God.1250–1300; (v.) Middle English sucuren < Old French suc ( c ) urre, socorre < Latin succurrere to go beneath, run to help, equivalent to suc- suc- + currere to run ( see current); (noun) Middle English soc ( o ) ur, back formation from sucurs (taken as plural) < Old French < Medieval Latin succursus, equivalent to Latin succur ( rere ) + -sus, var of -tus suffix of v. action
It definitely goes both ways. You need to start with faith, but some of us don't have much, some of us are sort of going through the motions afraid to take that leap and believe, or have doubts, or have little inclings of faith. As you take baby steps as a witnessthat ye may have faith on the Lamb of God.
Alma 8 - In verse 10 Alma is wrestling w/ the Lord in mighty prayer, he is feeling the spirit. He wants so much to go and preach to these people. Perhaps as he prayed he had faith that the Lord would hear him and that he'd have some success with his missionary work. What happens? He goes to Ammonihah and the people yell at him, spit on him and tell him no way! We don't believe in your traditions, get lost! So he leaves. Maybe he was confused, thinking it would go so differently, after all the Lord was on his side right? He'd prayed, not casually, but wrestling! AND, he was a man of incredible faith. Why didn't it happen? Surely he felt the doubt and heartache we all feel when we pray for something and it doesn't happen. Angels don't appear to us, but the same angel that initially appeared to him did again and told him to go back. And he did speedily!
Why? Was it a test of his faith? Was it a waste of time to leave and come back? Should he have pressed on and tried to get back into the city after he was thrown out? Would he have gone back later on his own? I think so, didn't seem like the type to give up. Maybe it had something to do with the preparations on the other side. Did Amulek need a little prep time to receive Alma? Did the people need time to think about what had just happened? We don't know, but the Lord does. He can see all sides, knows all hearts, has his own timeline, that is why it is imperative that we seek him and listen to his call. Never doubting the reason it didn't go as we thought it would, only ready to do his work when we are called.
I made this mushu pork for the Chinese New Year party, super easy and now a keep for us!
I made this mushu pork for the Chinese New Year party, super easy and now a keep for us!
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