Thankful for...
Those leather couches! E was vomiting today and I was so thankful to just wipe that off my couch! I'm also VERY thankful he didn't barf on my rug!
Study time...
As I sat down to read this evening I said a quick prayer, my only one for this rushed day of mine. It was quick, so I could 'prepare' for study. Then I started reading this chapter about prayer!!!
Alma 33 - These people want to know how they start acquiring faith, then Alma gives this lengthy explanation on prayer. How do we start acquiring faith? Pray. There is no need for a building to worship in, there is no need for fancy words, just sincerity, a genuine reaching to Him.
V11 says "thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity... I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in the is my joy...".
Are afflictions nessesary for sincerity? I think sometimes yes, they are. Plus through affliction and prayer we see a literal lifting and change, evidence of our faith, it is literal, which makes a mark on our hearts.
Should we pray when we aren't afflicted? Of course, but then we face humbling ourselves, which is not human nature, so our prayers can become stale.
So, the beauty of affliction and trial is they are another means by which we call to our Father for refuge through our Savior. They give us opportunity to seek and find.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday 2/26, Monday 2/27
Monday 2/27
Thankful for...
I didn't have to take the kids to the studio. So thankful M has been getting out of work! It is so nice not having to load up all the kids and try to teach with them there!
Study time...
Alma 32 is all about faith and it's development. Faith is different than belief, different than knowledge, although the three are certainly linked. It takes time for faith to grow into a knowledge, and even after there is a knowledge, there still must be faith, otherwise the knowledge is useless, having no force in our lives.
v27 talks about having a desire. If you have no faith to start with you can start with a desire to believe. We all can start somewhere, but the heart must be willing.
We came down this morning to have breakfast and G noticed these bird tracks. We have bird feeders, thus many birds, but not many clear markings like this. Trying to shoot more w/ my wide angle lately.
Sunday 2/26
Thankful for...
DQ turtle sunday. Sometimes you just have to go for it!
Study time...
Alma 31 - difference between vain repetion in the people's prayers and that of Alma's sincere, heartfelt pleading with the Lord in his prayer.
Working on head pieces for a dance number. Did the Zebra today.
Thankful for...
I didn't have to take the kids to the studio. So thankful M has been getting out of work! It is so nice not having to load up all the kids and try to teach with them there!
Study time...
Alma 32 is all about faith and it's development. Faith is different than belief, different than knowledge, although the three are certainly linked. It takes time for faith to grow into a knowledge, and even after there is a knowledge, there still must be faith, otherwise the knowledge is useless, having no force in our lives.
v27 talks about having a desire. If you have no faith to start with you can start with a desire to believe. We all can start somewhere, but the heart must be willing.
We came down this morning to have breakfast and G noticed these bird tracks. We have bird feeders, thus many birds, but not many clear markings like this. Trying to shoot more w/ my wide angle lately.
Sunday 2/26
Thankful for...
DQ turtle sunday. Sometimes you just have to go for it!
Study time...
Alma 31 - difference between vain repetion in the people's prayers and that of Alma's sincere, heartfelt pleading with the Lord in his prayer.
Working on head pieces for a dance number. Did the Zebra today.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sunday 2/19 to Thurs 2/23
Thursday 2/23
Thankful for...
The phone call from my mom this morning. I'm glad she calls. I've been thinking about her, but sometimes I just can't find the time to pick up my phone. I'm also glad she didn't ask if we could do family photos when we go out there again this year!!!
Study time...
Alma 31 teaches us the difference in repetitive prayer of the Zoramites vs the heartfelt specific prayer of Alma.
V35 - asks for power and wisdom to bring these souls to God. I'm sure they must have had an 'eyes wide open' moment walking into these places of worship. Surely you need wisdom from God, and he showed them the people who were actually ready to hear His word. The humble ones.
Wednesday 2/22
Thankful for...
Little kids vacuuming. I am teaching Q & G to vacuum their rooms. It's nice to have some helpers.
Study time...
Alma 30 - Really Korihor? If there was no God would there BE angels to fool you into thinking there were no God? Really? I think v 53 says it all. Saying there is no bad, no good really bodes well for all things carnal and he admits that he liked that, and other people did too, which justified his belief. So, he found an excuse, or his own belief to justify his behavior.
Also, we don't get to choose our signs. I'm sure the sign he was looking for was more angelic than being dummed.
O loves to help whenever I cook anything. He'll pull a chair over and wants to stir or watch. Because he does little E is never far behind. Today it was just me and O, stirring muffin mix.
Tuesday 2/21
Thankful for...
A new helper for activity days! Yea!
Study time...
Reading Alma 29. Thinking about his strong desire to preach the gospel and how that comes from being truly repentant and changed. He has been on both sides of light and dark. Seeing how much he wants for others shows of his conversion. He is truly changed, not only in conviction of what he believes, but his very nature. The atonement changes us. His desire to love and give is Christlike, he is changed.
Took the kids to McD's today and let them actually go in! AND we got ice cream!
Monday 2/20
Thankful for...
A beautiful day! I ran 8 miles today (still under 8/mi). It has been a LONG time! Glad my time wasn't too far off.
Study time...
Alma 27:8 - The people of Ammon offer to be slaves to the Nephites to repair the damage they've done. Part of repentance is restoration. You can't give life back, which is why it is such a tremendous sin, second only to denying the Holy Ghost. Still, they are repentant and want to give back, say sorry, restore. They continue to live their lives in such a manner that we can see they truly repented, were changed through the atonement. They will receive a glory in the life hereafter, although not celestial.
Sunday 2/19
Thankful for...
Social time. Went to the Hulse's to visit w/ the Gruwell's and other good friends. It was wonderful.
Study time...
Took time to read more of my book, and catch up on some scriptures.
Thankful for...
The phone call from my mom this morning. I'm glad she calls. I've been thinking about her, but sometimes I just can't find the time to pick up my phone. I'm also glad she didn't ask if we could do family photos when we go out there again this year!!!
Study time...
Alma 31 teaches us the difference in repetitive prayer of the Zoramites vs the heartfelt specific prayer of Alma.
V35 - asks for power and wisdom to bring these souls to God. I'm sure they must have had an 'eyes wide open' moment walking into these places of worship. Surely you need wisdom from God, and he showed them the people who were actually ready to hear His word. The humble ones.
Wednesday 2/22
Thankful for...
Little kids vacuuming. I am teaching Q & G to vacuum their rooms. It's nice to have some helpers.
Study time...
Alma 30 - Really Korihor? If there was no God would there BE angels to fool you into thinking there were no God? Really? I think v 53 says it all. Saying there is no bad, no good really bodes well for all things carnal and he admits that he liked that, and other people did too, which justified his belief. So, he found an excuse, or his own belief to justify his behavior.
Also, we don't get to choose our signs. I'm sure the sign he was looking for was more angelic than being dummed.
O loves to help whenever I cook anything. He'll pull a chair over and wants to stir or watch. Because he does little E is never far behind. Today it was just me and O, stirring muffin mix.
Tuesday 2/21
Thankful for...
A new helper for activity days! Yea!
Study time...
Reading Alma 29. Thinking about his strong desire to preach the gospel and how that comes from being truly repentant and changed. He has been on both sides of light and dark. Seeing how much he wants for others shows of his conversion. He is truly changed, not only in conviction of what he believes, but his very nature. The atonement changes us. His desire to love and give is Christlike, he is changed.
Took the kids to McD's today and let them actually go in! AND we got ice cream!
Monday 2/20
Thankful for...
A beautiful day! I ran 8 miles today (still under 8/mi). It has been a LONG time! Glad my time wasn't too far off.
Study time...
Alma 27:8 - The people of Ammon offer to be slaves to the Nephites to repair the damage they've done. Part of repentance is restoration. You can't give life back, which is why it is such a tremendous sin, second only to denying the Holy Ghost. Still, they are repentant and want to give back, say sorry, restore. They continue to live their lives in such a manner that we can see they truly repented, were changed through the atonement. They will receive a glory in the life hereafter, although not celestial.
Sunday 2/19
Thankful for...
Social time. Went to the Hulse's to visit w/ the Gruwell's and other good friends. It was wonderful.
Study time...
Took time to read more of my book, and catch up on some scriptures.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tues 2/14 - Sat 2/18
Saturday 2/18
Thankful for...
This funny little tool (potd). We have had it all of our marriage. I feel it is the best too to strip wallpaper with! Went to help friends today, that wallpaper came off pretty easy!
Preparing for lesson. Putting together thoughts on 'our testimony of Jesus Christ'. Our testimony is really our declaration of something we know to be true or of our faith. Lesson is largely then, our faith in Jesus Christ. Really enjoying the book "Our Living Gospel".
Friday 2/17
Thankful for...
The end of the day! These days feel long! It's the end of the week so you anticipate relief, but M gets home late on Friday's because he goes to workout. They just feel particularly long!
Alma 24:18 - rather than shedding blood they'd give their own lives. We read this and think of the conviction and faith of the Anti-Lehi-Nephi's, the martyrdom, giving your own life for truth. The rest of this verse also shows active faith and the change that was wrot. Instead of taking they would give and instead of being idle they would work hard. Interesting bits to go with giving of your life.
Wednesday 2/15
Thankful for...
A day at home. I needed to stay home today. It felt good to get vacuuming done, things taken to the basement, crafts made, photos updated. Good.
Study time...
Alma 23 - Thousands were brought to the knowledge of the Lord after Lamoni's father converted. It is an interesting thought. Were these hearts ready and waiting to hear the gospel, because they converted quickly. Was it their king or leader holding them back (China)? OR was he the influence? Did they see him change, or hear of it, and from there prepared to receive?
Tuesday 2/14
Thankful for...
Feelings of love today. Felt them from my sis, from heaven, and from my sweet family.
Study time...
Alma 22 - So I just wrote about the women a couple of chapters ago.
Here Aaron is teaching Lamoni's father, the king, and he is SO interested and takes everything on faith... if you say it is so I will believe you. Then he bows to the earth and tells God he wants to know him, he is willing to give up all of his sins to know him.
Isn't that an interesting thought. All our Heavenly Father wants is for us to use the plan, partake of the atonement. It seems silly that we insist on paying for our sins ourselves, never truly becoming clean. And of course we are the ones that benefit from the atonement.
It is a God of love who just wants us to 'give' him our sin. He just wants us to know Him and use the Saviors atonement.
Anyway, the king has this amazing experience and his wife comes along and she is NOT like the other ladies. She goes to a place of fear immediately, even though her servants tell her Aaron is mightier than all of them, she just wants him dead! Who raises up the king? Not the wife! It is Aaron!
She comes around, surely as she hears her husband minister and testify of his experience.
Just goes to show that we all have different circumstance, different personality, different experience that leads us to our present state, but the Lord knows that, and can still speak to us and reach us if we are willing to hear.
Valentines day!
Thankful for...
This funny little tool (potd). We have had it all of our marriage. I feel it is the best too to strip wallpaper with! Went to help friends today, that wallpaper came off pretty easy!
Preparing for lesson. Putting together thoughts on 'our testimony of Jesus Christ'. Our testimony is really our declaration of something we know to be true or of our faith. Lesson is largely then, our faith in Jesus Christ. Really enjoying the book "Our Living Gospel".
Friday 2/17
Thankful for...
The end of the day! These days feel long! It's the end of the week so you anticipate relief, but M gets home late on Friday's because he goes to workout. They just feel particularly long!
Alma 24:18 - rather than shedding blood they'd give their own lives. We read this and think of the conviction and faith of the Anti-Lehi-Nephi's, the martyrdom, giving your own life for truth. The rest of this verse also shows active faith and the change that was wrot. Instead of taking they would give and instead of being idle they would work hard. Interesting bits to go with giving of your life.
Wednesday 2/15
Thankful for...
A day at home. I needed to stay home today. It felt good to get vacuuming done, things taken to the basement, crafts made, photos updated. Good.
Study time...
Alma 23 - Thousands were brought to the knowledge of the Lord after Lamoni's father converted. It is an interesting thought. Were these hearts ready and waiting to hear the gospel, because they converted quickly. Was it their king or leader holding them back (China)? OR was he the influence? Did they see him change, or hear of it, and from there prepared to receive?
Tuesday 2/14
Thankful for...
Feelings of love today. Felt them from my sis, from heaven, and from my sweet family.
Study time...
Alma 22 - So I just wrote about the women a couple of chapters ago.
Here Aaron is teaching Lamoni's father, the king, and he is SO interested and takes everything on faith... if you say it is so I will believe you. Then he bows to the earth and tells God he wants to know him, he is willing to give up all of his sins to know him.
Isn't that an interesting thought. All our Heavenly Father wants is for us to use the plan, partake of the atonement. It seems silly that we insist on paying for our sins ourselves, never truly becoming clean. And of course we are the ones that benefit from the atonement.
It is a God of love who just wants us to 'give' him our sin. He just wants us to know Him and use the Saviors atonement.
Anyway, the king has this amazing experience and his wife comes along and she is NOT like the other ladies. She goes to a place of fear immediately, even though her servants tell her Aaron is mightier than all of them, she just wants him dead! Who raises up the king? Not the wife! It is Aaron!
She comes around, surely as she hears her husband minister and testify of his experience.
Just goes to show that we all have different circumstance, different personality, different experience that leads us to our present state, but the Lord knows that, and can still speak to us and reach us if we are willing to hear.
Valentines day!
Monday 2/13
Thankful for...
M was able to come home before I had to leave for dance, which means I didn't have to load up the kids and try to teach with the four of them running around. It was super nice!
Study time...
Alma 20 - Alma is very consistent in giving credit to the Lord, maintaining humility.
Admittedly I sort of read lightly this chapter. I know the story, what is there for me to find?
I've seen the devotion of both Alma and Lamoni. I think Lamoni is a great example to his father.
What am I looking for?
There it is, the quote from President Hinckley regarding anger...
"Anger is not an expression of strength. It is an indication of one's inability to control his thoughts, words, his emotions... When the weakness of anger takes over, the strength of reason leaves."
Um, I've had a short fuse these last couple of days, my poor kids! When things aren't 100% with me it seems to affect how quickly my temperature/emotions can rise. By no means do I feel it is strong to be angry, quite the contrary. It is a good indicator for me though, take care of what is going on, I'm unable to reason and live harmoniously, and it affects those around me.
Thankful for...
M was able to come home before I had to leave for dance, which means I didn't have to load up the kids and try to teach with the four of them running around. It was super nice!
Study time...
Alma 20 - Alma is very consistent in giving credit to the Lord, maintaining humility.
Admittedly I sort of read lightly this chapter. I know the story, what is there for me to find?
I've seen the devotion of both Alma and Lamoni. I think Lamoni is a great example to his father.
What am I looking for?
There it is, the quote from President Hinckley regarding anger...
"Anger is not an expression of strength. It is an indication of one's inability to control his thoughts, words, his emotions... When the weakness of anger takes over, the strength of reason leaves."
Um, I've had a short fuse these last couple of days, my poor kids! When things aren't 100% with me it seems to affect how quickly my temperature/emotions can rise. By no means do I feel it is strong to be angry, quite the contrary. It is a good indicator for me though, take care of what is going on, I'm unable to reason and live harmoniously, and it affects those around me.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday - Sunday 2/10-2/12
Thankful for...
Family time. Made valentines together, watched ET together, very good!
Study time...
We don't read about many specific women in the Book of Mormon, quite few, but in Alma 19 we read about two, Lamoni's wife, and Abish. V 10 tells us that Lamoni's wife is faithful, even more than many of the Nephite women. She trusts Ammon, she watches over her husband faithfully, then comes to know what he did, that Jesus is the Christ.
Apparenlty Abish already knew this. She must have been very excited, the thoughts of others having her same knowledge, maybe she could worship openly? She went and got some people to witness this.
In v 28 she is sensitive to the growing contention. Being the only one with faith awake at that time (via my interpretation!) she reaches for the queen. The queen is raised. Now she wasn't dead, but there is some significance of the queen being out like a light and being raised by a faithful woman. Abish didn't have the priesthood, but certainly used the influence of it, with her faith, as she raised the queen. Then, the queen raised her husband. I found this story one I want to ponder more. I found significance in the husband raising up her husband.
Valentine airplanes for G's class.
Thankful for...
Time off. M was awesome today. Took the kids for the day! When I was home he was the parent on duty! I needed that!
Study time..
Reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O Rich. I really enjoy it, find myself re-reading things, so they sink in! A couple of thoughts that stood out...
"Is the gospel of Jesus Christ simply to be possessed or is it to be lived? This is to ask whether you believe the gospel or have faith in it. Since faith is belief in action, it follows that those who have faith in the gospel must live it. To possess the gospel w/o using it is the expression of belief alone, not the active principle of faith."
"The principles of the gospel are timeless and eternal. The plan of the gospel is a free gift to man, given by the grace of God through his son, Jesus Christ. But man's full salvation in the light of the gospel demands his own active participation."
Last night I snuggled my little E at bedtime. M wasn't home yet and I was tired so we lay in my bed together. I closed my eyes and when I opened them E's little eyes were right up to mine. We giggled and laughed. He kept smacking his lips, which we do when we want kisses, then he'd say thanks mom after I kissed him. Oh these precious moments with my little guy. It reminded me of when he was a baby and would grab my face, I loved it. So I wanted to capture it today.
Thankful for...
Today was a day! Crying boys, fighting boys, headaches, M home late... ugh!
BUT, I am thankful it is Friday!
Study time...
Alma 17 - v2- Scriptures contain the word of God, studying them = knowledge.
I need to build testimony of fasting. Don't know why I haven't tapped into that power yet. Maybe I ought to try it out? There is much talk of fasting in these verses. Certainly that is an area I am weak.
Little boys pushing each other around in the laundry basket. Using the WII remote for their steering wheel!
Thankful for...
Family time. Made valentines together, watched ET together, very good!
Study time...
We don't read about many specific women in the Book of Mormon, quite few, but in Alma 19 we read about two, Lamoni's wife, and Abish. V 10 tells us that Lamoni's wife is faithful, even more than many of the Nephite women. She trusts Ammon, she watches over her husband faithfully, then comes to know what he did, that Jesus is the Christ.
Apparenlty Abish already knew this. She must have been very excited, the thoughts of others having her same knowledge, maybe she could worship openly? She went and got some people to witness this.
In v 28 she is sensitive to the growing contention. Being the only one with faith awake at that time (via my interpretation!) she reaches for the queen. The queen is raised. Now she wasn't dead, but there is some significance of the queen being out like a light and being raised by a faithful woman. Abish didn't have the priesthood, but certainly used the influence of it, with her faith, as she raised the queen. Then, the queen raised her husband. I found this story one I want to ponder more. I found significance in the husband raising up her husband.
Valentine airplanes for G's class.
Thankful for...
Time off. M was awesome today. Took the kids for the day! When I was home he was the parent on duty! I needed that!
Study time..
Reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O Rich. I really enjoy it, find myself re-reading things, so they sink in! A couple of thoughts that stood out...
"Is the gospel of Jesus Christ simply to be possessed or is it to be lived? This is to ask whether you believe the gospel or have faith in it. Since faith is belief in action, it follows that those who have faith in the gospel must live it. To possess the gospel w/o using it is the expression of belief alone, not the active principle of faith."
"The principles of the gospel are timeless and eternal. The plan of the gospel is a free gift to man, given by the grace of God through his son, Jesus Christ. But man's full salvation in the light of the gospel demands his own active participation."
Last night I snuggled my little E at bedtime. M wasn't home yet and I was tired so we lay in my bed together. I closed my eyes and when I opened them E's little eyes were right up to mine. We giggled and laughed. He kept smacking his lips, which we do when we want kisses, then he'd say thanks mom after I kissed him. Oh these precious moments with my little guy. It reminded me of when he was a baby and would grab my face, I loved it. So I wanted to capture it today.
Thankful for...
Today was a day! Crying boys, fighting boys, headaches, M home late... ugh!
BUT, I am thankful it is Friday!
Study time...
Alma 17 - v2- Scriptures contain the word of God, studying them = knowledge.
I need to build testimony of fasting. Don't know why I haven't tapped into that power yet. Maybe I ought to try it out? There is much talk of fasting in these verses. Certainly that is an area I am weak.
Little boys pushing each other around in the laundry basket. Using the WII remote for their steering wheel!
Thursday 2/9
Thankful for...
Institute, my sister who will listen to me, scriptures, study time, unexpected reminders, friendship, a good cry, laundry complete, almond joy, leftover chipotle...
Study time...
Alma 13:28 - Always read this verse and focus on the 'not be tempted above that which ye can bear' part. In order to receive that blessing from God, caveat right before, we need to watch and pray (footnote for watch is again prayer). So what keeps us from being tempted? Prayer. Being diligent in seeking God keeps us from unbearable temptation.
14:11 - The consequence for taking a life is no hope for exaltation. These people may repent and be forgiven, but they have sealed the deal for themselves, no hope for the highest degree of glory.
This quote by President Kimball fits perfectly...
Thankful for...
Institute, my sister who will listen to me, scriptures, study time, unexpected reminders, friendship, a good cry, laundry complete, almond joy, leftover chipotle...
Study time...
Alma 13:28 - Always read this verse and focus on the 'not be tempted above that which ye can bear' part. In order to receive that blessing from God, caveat right before, we need to watch and pray (footnote for watch is again prayer). So what keeps us from being tempted? Prayer. Being diligent in seeking God keeps us from unbearable temptation.
14:11 - The consequence for taking a life is no hope for exaltation. These people may repent and be forgiven, but they have sealed the deal for themselves, no hope for the highest degree of glory.
This quote by President Kimball fits perfectly...
"If pain and sorrow and total punishment immediately followed the doing of evil, no soul would repeat a misdeed. If joy and peace and rewards were instantaneously given the doer of good, there could be no evil—all would do good and not because of the rightness of doing good. There would be no test of strength, no development of character, no growth of powers, no free agency. . . . There would also be an absence of joy, success, resurrection, eternal life, and godhood." |
Spencer W. Kimball - Oct. Gen. Conf 2004 Interesting thought from institute today. Talked about Solomon taking over as king. Interesting because he was the son of Bathsheba, who was part of a very significant sin of David. Nathan the prophet supported it, who was the mouthpiece of God, so God supported it. Photo... O brought up a bin with the turtle costume, shell, mask, hulk fists and a gun. I asked him why he brought up the whole bin and not just the costume, not realizing he'd put his ensemble together in the basement, very specifically! We put it on, I took a photo and he took it off! Now it is all over my floor. The story of my life right now! |
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday 2/8
Thankful for...
Socializing. I hosted playgroup today. I'm glad I did. I love having people in my home!
Study time...
Alma 13:10 - Have been thinking of the LDS faith and how sometimes people leave the church because they choose or don't feel they can live the standards fully. Because we don't live things with perfection doesn't mean the religion is false. It doesn't even mean one shouldn't be part of it. It means that we are all human, living, making mistakes. It means we continually partake of the atonement, which is not a bad thing.
The end of this verse says '... choosing to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish.' It may seem easier to walk away because you somehow think you have to live perfectly, but can't. Does that really bring peace?
Snacks put out for playgroup
Thankful for...
My couch. It sure is nice to sit there when my day is done. I didn't even want to converse about my day w/ M, it was busy, and tomorrow will be too. I just want to sit!
Study time...
Got just a few verses in today. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, that is the sound of me falling off the wagon! Nooooo. Must settle down and get my time back!
I have put this puzzle away 5 times!!! Why is it out AGAIN!
Monday 2/7
Thankful for...
Opportunities to go to the kids classroom. I read today in Q's class, brought the boys. It is fun to see her at school.
Study time...
I was running all day, painted when home, dance... didn't study :( It's the first day in a long time, I felt it!
Finished painting! This is my tree with hanging hearts for Valentines Day.
Sunday 2/5
Thankful for...
Quiet time. Some days the kids just play well together, they play quietly and it sure is nice! I sat and studied in a quiet house and all the kids were home!
Study time...
Went back to 1 Nephi. We talked about murmuring vs. faith in the atonement today. Really enjoyed the discussion.
Yum left over Thai food from date night... yellow curry
Thankful for...
Carmel corn. I treated myself today and I loved it!
Study time...
Alma 12: 30. Again, makes things known according to faith, repentance, and holy works. Can't know things by only having faith. Having faith means we believe in the Atonement of Christ and we utilize it! The only way we can truly come to know Him is by partaking of that atonement. Making ourselves better, clean through Him. Those things by themselves still don't work, remember the word diligent? Have to continue on, be consistent, holy works... doing.
Pudding/chip face...
Thankful for...
Socializing. I hosted playgroup today. I'm glad I did. I love having people in my home!
Study time...
Alma 13:10 - Have been thinking of the LDS faith and how sometimes people leave the church because they choose or don't feel they can live the standards fully. Because we don't live things with perfection doesn't mean the religion is false. It doesn't even mean one shouldn't be part of it. It means that we are all human, living, making mistakes. It means we continually partake of the atonement, which is not a bad thing.
The end of this verse says '... choosing to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish.' It may seem easier to walk away because you somehow think you have to live perfectly, but can't. Does that really bring peace?
Snacks put out for playgroup
Thankful for...
My couch. It sure is nice to sit there when my day is done. I didn't even want to converse about my day w/ M, it was busy, and tomorrow will be too. I just want to sit!
Study time...
Got just a few verses in today. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, that is the sound of me falling off the wagon! Nooooo. Must settle down and get my time back!
I have put this puzzle away 5 times!!! Why is it out AGAIN!
Monday 2/7
Thankful for...
Opportunities to go to the kids classroom. I read today in Q's class, brought the boys. It is fun to see her at school.
Study time...
I was running all day, painted when home, dance... didn't study :( It's the first day in a long time, I felt it!
Finished painting! This is my tree with hanging hearts for Valentines Day.
Sunday 2/5
Thankful for...
Quiet time. Some days the kids just play well together, they play quietly and it sure is nice! I sat and studied in a quiet house and all the kids were home!
Study time...
Went back to 1 Nephi. We talked about murmuring vs. faith in the atonement today. Really enjoyed the discussion.
Yum left over Thai food from date night... yellow curry
Thankful for...
Carmel corn. I treated myself today and I loved it!
Study time...
Alma 12: 30. Again, makes things known according to faith, repentance, and holy works. Can't know things by only having faith. Having faith means we believe in the Atonement of Christ and we utilize it! The only way we can truly come to know Him is by partaking of that atonement. Making ourselves better, clean through Him. Those things by themselves still don't work, remember the word diligent? Have to continue on, be consistent, holy works... doing.
Pudding/chip face...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Thankful for...
Undisturbed night of rest... big sigh... it's been a while!
Study time...
Alma 12:9 - I've been thinking lately about people thinking they understand God and His ways. People who wonder and question. Isn't it proud of any person to think they ought to know as much as his creator? We are so limited in our knowledge. That doesn't mean we can't know truth, it just means that we are limited.
God WILL give knowledge and uncover the mysteries of himself, and this scripture tells us that he gives it and expects those who receive it to be careful with it. AND, 'he gives it according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.' He gives according to heed and diligence. I looked up heed: to give careful attention to. Diligence means: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.
He reveals to those who are paying careful attention to Him and his word. He reveals to those who are being consistent and making great effort to understand him.
If I don't know God and his ways, this may be why...
Damita came over to craft today. Good times. Made me some wreaths!
Thankful for...
My sander. Molly came over today to use it, she is repainting her entry table. It really makes the job so much faster. I do enjoy a good makeover on a piece of furniture!
Study time...
Alma 10:6 - Amulek is speaking... he was called many times but wouldn't hear. He knew concerning these things, yet he would not know. Cross reference not being able to hear to D&C 39:9 ... "Nevertheless, thou hast seen great asorrow, for thou hast brejected me many times because of pride and the cares of the cworld."
It is hard to hear when we are distracted by cares of the world, it doesn't even say the evil of the world, just cares of the world. I think even those of us who seek righteousness don't hear sometimes because we are distracted by other cares of the world.
Today at institute we talked about that. Brother Simmons takes time out of work to come teach us. While at work he is of course thinking of more worldly matters. Not in a bad way... it's his job! But to then come and guide a course of study by the spirit, takes him out of that for a while.
We can take a step out whenever we choose to, to seek the spirit, to seek the things of God.
I think the very nature of life and all it consists of distracts us enough that we really to have to use choice/agency. Not even to choose good/evil, but to choose to step out of the cares of life to seek our Savior, whenever/whatever is going on.
There is a difference of knowing of something and knowing something. Knowing of needs no real investment. Knowing requires work and finding, commitment.
Molly sanding down her table... wearing my man coat! I keep that in hiding and bust it out when I need some serious warmth. It's been a while since my shoulders have dawned that beaut!
Thankful for...
Undisturbed night of rest... big sigh... it's been a while!
Study time...
Alma 12:9 - I've been thinking lately about people thinking they understand God and His ways. People who wonder and question. Isn't it proud of any person to think they ought to know as much as his creator? We are so limited in our knowledge. That doesn't mean we can't know truth, it just means that we are limited.
God WILL give knowledge and uncover the mysteries of himself, and this scripture tells us that he gives it and expects those who receive it to be careful with it. AND, 'he gives it according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.' He gives according to heed and diligence. I looked up heed: to give careful attention to. Diligence means: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind.
He reveals to those who are paying careful attention to Him and his word. He reveals to those who are being consistent and making great effort to understand him.
If I don't know God and his ways, this may be why...
Damita came over to craft today. Good times. Made me some wreaths!
Thankful for...
My sander. Molly came over today to use it, she is repainting her entry table. It really makes the job so much faster. I do enjoy a good makeover on a piece of furniture!
Study time...
Alma 10:6 - Amulek is speaking... he was called many times but wouldn't hear. He knew concerning these things, yet he would not know. Cross reference not being able to hear to D&C 39:9 ... "Nevertheless, thou hast seen great asorrow, for thou hast brejected me many times because of pride and the cares of the cworld."
It is hard to hear when we are distracted by cares of the world, it doesn't even say the evil of the world, just cares of the world. I think even those of us who seek righteousness don't hear sometimes because we are distracted by other cares of the world.
Today at institute we talked about that. Brother Simmons takes time out of work to come teach us. While at work he is of course thinking of more worldly matters. Not in a bad way... it's his job! But to then come and guide a course of study by the spirit, takes him out of that for a while.
We can take a step out whenever we choose to, to seek the spirit, to seek the things of God.
I think the very nature of life and all it consists of distracts us enough that we really to have to use choice/agency. Not even to choose good/evil, but to choose to step out of the cares of life to seek our Savior, whenever/whatever is going on.
There is a difference of knowing of something and knowing something. Knowing of needs no real investment. Knowing requires work and finding, commitment.
Molly sanding down her table... wearing my man coat! I keep that in hiding and bust it out when I need some serious warmth. It's been a while since my shoulders have dawned that beaut!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wednesday 2/1
Thankful for...
ONE night this week we ate dinner as a family... meaning Matt made it home to be with us. It was really nice!
Study time...
Alma 9 - All I could think about while reading this verse was how important it is to have the record. It is amazing that each of us have access to the records of our fathers, at our finger tips. If each of these cities had access to the records of their fathers would they be so quick to forget? These people all over the place were relying on what their parents taught them, paired with the occasional visit from the priest or prophet. Some cities had the church established, working and going, but after a while they each go through a period of forgetting and having to be brought back.
Left to the devices of just being human, w/o God and some sort of tool to remember him with... man will forget. That isn't even taking into account the works of Satan.
It is prophesied there will not be another apostasy. This is the last dispensation for one, but God's word is available for all that want it. We can all hear the prophet speak, the apostles fly all over the world to preach and build the kingdom. We all have so many ways to access the word of God. There would be NO EXCUSE for us to forget! It is all here at our finger tips.
The scriptures and a living prophet are critical in a time when the world questions God.
Q makeup'd freckles on her today. She left them on all evening. She thought they were cute! Doesn't matter what she does, she's cute!
Tuesday 1/31
Thankful for...
Seeing new things! Molly and I went out to see Bonnie Lux's fine art gallery. It was very cool! I'm proud of her, I think she is an amazing artist. I want to get some jewelry made and sell it there. It is such a fun space! I love that Molly gets me, that she said 'I can see the wheels spinning in your head'. It's so nice to have someone that gets you! So I guess I'm thankful for experiencing something new AND having such a great friend!
Study time...
Alma 7:11-13 - talking about the Savior here upon the earth, suffering affliction, temptation of every kind, death, ...suffering according to the flesh.
So that he could succor his people according to their infirmities.
Why? Was it a test of his faith? Was it a waste of time to leave and come back? Should he have pressed on and tried to get back into the city after he was thrown out? Would he have gone back later on his own? I think so, didn't seem like the type to give up. Maybe it had something to do with the preparations on the other side. Did Amulek need a little prep time to receive Alma? Did the people need time to think about what had just happened? We don't know, but the Lord does. He can see all sides, knows all hearts, has his own timeline, that is why it is imperative that we seek him and listen to his call. Never doubting the reason it didn't go as we thought it would, only ready to do his work when we are called.
Thankful for...
ONE night this week we ate dinner as a family... meaning Matt made it home to be with us. It was really nice!
Study time...
Alma 9 - All I could think about while reading this verse was how important it is to have the record. It is amazing that each of us have access to the records of our fathers, at our finger tips. If each of these cities had access to the records of their fathers would they be so quick to forget? These people all over the place were relying on what their parents taught them, paired with the occasional visit from the priest or prophet. Some cities had the church established, working and going, but after a while they each go through a period of forgetting and having to be brought back.
Left to the devices of just being human, w/o God and some sort of tool to remember him with... man will forget. That isn't even taking into account the works of Satan.
It is prophesied there will not be another apostasy. This is the last dispensation for one, but God's word is available for all that want it. We can all hear the prophet speak, the apostles fly all over the world to preach and build the kingdom. We all have so many ways to access the word of God. There would be NO EXCUSE for us to forget! It is all here at our finger tips.
The scriptures and a living prophet are critical in a time when the world questions God.
Q makeup'd freckles on her today. She left them on all evening. She thought they were cute! Doesn't matter what she does, she's cute!
Tuesday 1/31
Thankful for...
Seeing new things! Molly and I went out to see Bonnie Lux's fine art gallery. It was very cool! I'm proud of her, I think she is an amazing artist. I want to get some jewelry made and sell it there. It is such a fun space! I love that Molly gets me, that she said 'I can see the wheels spinning in your head'. It's so nice to have someone that gets you! So I guess I'm thankful for experiencing something new AND having such a great friend!
Study time...
Alma 7:11-13 - talking about the Savior here upon the earth, suffering affliction, temptation of every kind, death, ...suffering according to the flesh.
So that he could succor his people according to their infirmities.
Succor /ˈsʌk
Show Spelled

1. help; relief; aid; assistance.
2. a person or thing that gives help, relief, aid, etc.
1250–1300; (v.) Middle English sucuren < Old French suc ( c ) urre, socorre < Latin succurrere to go beneath, run to help, equivalent to suc- suc- + currere to run ( see current); (noun) Middle English soc ( o ) ur, back formation from sucurs (taken as plural) < Old French < Medieval Latin succursus, equivalent to Latin succur ( rere ) + -sus, var of -tus suffix of v. action
v14 - Interesting that normally the word faith is then followed by repentance, baptism, holy ghost etc. In this verse baptism and repentance come first... that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God.1250–1300; (v.) Middle English sucuren < Old French suc ( c ) urre, socorre < Latin succurrere to go beneath, run to help, equivalent to suc- suc- + currere to run ( see current); (noun) Middle English soc ( o ) ur, back formation from sucurs (taken as plural) < Old French < Medieval Latin succursus, equivalent to Latin succur ( rere ) + -sus, var of -tus suffix of v. action
It definitely goes both ways. You need to start with faith, but some of us don't have much, some of us are sort of going through the motions afraid to take that leap and believe, or have doubts, or have little inclings of faith. As you take baby steps as a witnessthat ye may have faith on the Lamb of God.
Alma 8 - In verse 10 Alma is wrestling w/ the Lord in mighty prayer, he is feeling the spirit. He wants so much to go and preach to these people. Perhaps as he prayed he had faith that the Lord would hear him and that he'd have some success with his missionary work. What happens? He goes to Ammonihah and the people yell at him, spit on him and tell him no way! We don't believe in your traditions, get lost! So he leaves. Maybe he was confused, thinking it would go so differently, after all the Lord was on his side right? He'd prayed, not casually, but wrestling! AND, he was a man of incredible faith. Why didn't it happen? Surely he felt the doubt and heartache we all feel when we pray for something and it doesn't happen. Angels don't appear to us, but the same angel that initially appeared to him did again and told him to go back. And he did speedily!
Why? Was it a test of his faith? Was it a waste of time to leave and come back? Should he have pressed on and tried to get back into the city after he was thrown out? Would he have gone back later on his own? I think so, didn't seem like the type to give up. Maybe it had something to do with the preparations on the other side. Did Amulek need a little prep time to receive Alma? Did the people need time to think about what had just happened? We don't know, but the Lord does. He can see all sides, knows all hearts, has his own timeline, that is why it is imperative that we seek him and listen to his call. Never doubting the reason it didn't go as we thought it would, only ready to do his work when we are called.
I made this mushu pork for the Chinese New Year party, super easy and now a keep for us!
I made this mushu pork for the Chinese New Year party, super easy and now a keep for us!
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