Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thankful for...
Undisturbed night of rest... big sigh... it's been a while!

Study time...
Alma 12:9 - I've been thinking lately about people thinking they understand God and His ways.  People who wonder and question.  Isn't it proud of any person to think they ought to know as much as his creator?  We are so limited in our knowledge.  That doesn't mean we can't know truth, it just means that we are limited. 
God WILL give knowledge and uncover the mysteries of himself, and this scripture tells us that he gives it and expects those who receive it to be careful with it.  AND, 'he gives it according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.'  He gives according to heed and diligence.  I looked up heed: to give careful attention to.  Diligence means: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. 
He reveals to those who are paying careful attention to Him and his word.  He reveals to those who are being consistent and making great effort to understand him. 
If I don't know God and his ways, this may be why...

Damita came over to craft today.  Good times.  Made me some wreaths!

Thankful for...
My sander.  Molly came over today to use it, she is repainting her entry table.  It really makes the job so much faster.  I do enjoy a good makeover on a piece of furniture!

Study time...
Alma 10:6 - Amulek is speaking... he was called many times but wouldn't hear.  He knew concerning these things, yet he would not know.  Cross reference not being able to hear to D&C 39:9 ... "Nevertheless, thou hast seen great asorrow, for thou hast brejected me many times because of pride and the cares of the cworld."
It is hard to hear when we are distracted by cares of the world, it doesn't even say the evil of the world, just cares of the world.  I think even those of us who seek righteousness don't hear sometimes because we are distracted by other cares of the world. 
Today at institute we talked about that.  Brother Simmons takes time out of work to come teach us.  While at work he is of course thinking of more worldly matters.  Not in a bad way... it's his job!  But to then come and guide a course of study by the spirit, takes him out of that for a while. 
We can take a step out whenever we choose to, to seek the spirit, to seek the things of God.
I think the very nature of life and all it consists of distracts us enough that we really to have to use choice/agency.  Not even to choose good/evil, but to choose to step out of the cares of life to seek our Savior, whenever/whatever is going on.
There is a difference of knowing of something and knowing something.  Knowing of  needs no real investment.  Knowing requires work and finding, commitment.

Molly sanding down her table... wearing my man coat!  I keep that in hiding and bust it out when I need some serious warmth.  It's been a while since my shoulders have dawned that beaut!

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