Monday 1/30
Thankful for...
Today I was thankful that I could run and comfort O this morning when he woke up screaming 'MOM'! He is my snuggle bug. I love that boy and I love that he loves my affection. I snuggled into bed next to him and held him. Love that.
Study time...
Alma 5- Alma asks several times in this one verse if the people have retained in remembrance how the Lord freed their fathers, showed mercy to them, changed their hearts, and delivered them.
A couple of thoughts on this... I read yesterday a quote from David H Yarn about being born again. The part that caught my attention was "...from the beginning of man's mortal existence the wicked on, the devil, has engaged in taking away 'light and truth." He has done this through men, individually and collectively - individually through disobedience and collectively through the tradition of their fathers."
It only takes one generation to completely change another, for good or bad. Just a generation later Alma is trying to help these people remember that their fathers were changed, he had to do that because the whole people had collectively taken on the old traditions.
My other thought is the word remembrance. President Kimball said, "When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be 'remember.' Because all of (us) have made covenants ... our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting every Sabbath day — to take the sacrament and listen to the priests pray that
(we) 'may always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given (us).' ... 'Remember' is the word."
16-18- He keeps asking if the people can imagine themselves. He is asking them to think, to ponder, to remember, possibly even to have a goal! He is asking them to imagine themselves hearing the voice of the Lord, standing in front of Him on judgement day.
When I was in gymnastics our coach would have us lay on the ground and imagine... imagine a perfect routine. "See yourself do it perfectly". She would say. The mind is a powerful tool right?
Just two nights ago I felt my own spirit change. I have been in a lull with running. I've only been running a few times a week. I've lost my motivation, my drive, my push to increase time and speed, to run well. Gone! It's now back! Why? A goal, a race! Something I can imagine myself doing! How does that change my spirit? That goal, that race, wanting to finish it well motivates what I will do, the choices I will make for the next several months! Having a goal, imagining the end, motivates the present and what we will do now, to affect the end result. Imagine yourself...
21- Washed white. Purified and clean, not perfect, clean. No unclean thing can enter into His kingdom. I will still forget about my pot of boiling water. I will still need spell check! I will still say the wrong thing at the wrong time. It is impossible to be perfect, without mistake. It isn't impossible to be clean, without blemish. The Savior's atonement is the way we get that time and again as we seek it.
Tonight went outside to take a photo... hadn't thought about it all day! Need to get my tripod out, but had no intention of doing it tonight!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday 1/29
Thankful for...
Snow! I know it seems silly, but we've been waiting. It looks so pretty outside! And, it's nice to be cuddled inside with my family safe and warm.
AND, I'm thankful for some motivation! Finally!
Study time...
Finished reading Alma 3&4.
Studied a bit today about the sons of perdition, my interest piqued by our GD lesson today.
Also our talk of the two separate entities that are present in this life sent me back to Sherri Dew's book for this quote. She says "There is one thing the power of God and the power of Satan have in common: Neither can influence us unless we allow them to... the kind of power operating in our lives is entirely up to us."
Also talked/thought about the quote in back of my scriptures by Oaks. Our lives aren't a sum of the things we've done, rather what we've become, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become... Thinking about how our doing determines what we are becoming. Life isn't a sum of good and evil acts, but surely those acts have shaped the end result. How do we get the results we want? Change our actions so they support, reflect and shape in the better way.
My desk really looks like this! How many study items does one girl need?
Thankful for...
Snow! I know it seems silly, but we've been waiting. It looks so pretty outside! And, it's nice to be cuddled inside with my family safe and warm.
AND, I'm thankful for some motivation! Finally!
Study time...
Finished reading Alma 3&4.
Studied a bit today about the sons of perdition, my interest piqued by our GD lesson today.
Also our talk of the two separate entities that are present in this life sent me back to Sherri Dew's book for this quote. She says "There is one thing the power of God and the power of Satan have in common: Neither can influence us unless we allow them to... the kind of power operating in our lives is entirely up to us."
Also talked/thought about the quote in back of my scriptures by Oaks. Our lives aren't a sum of the things we've done, rather what we've become, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become... Thinking about how our doing determines what we are becoming. Life isn't a sum of good and evil acts, but surely those acts have shaped the end result. How do we get the results we want? Change our actions so they support, reflect and shape in the better way.
My desk really looks like this! How many study items does one girl need?
Saturday 1/28
Thankful for...
Incentive to try a new recipe. We went to the Shumway's annual Chinese New Year party. There was a menu of things to choose from. I complained at first, I don't cook Chinese, can't I just bring cupcakes?!! BUT, I found an easy MuShu Pork recipe, tried it, and really like it! It's a keeper. So, it's good to stretch!
Study time...
Alma 1 uses the term 'costly apparrel' a number of times. We see it throughout the BofM, and it is usually linked with pride, wealth and a fall of people who at some point had put God before the world. The righteous who remained faithful were ...'neat and comely.' They didn't wear the costly apparel.
I've thought about this. Why do we care what they were wearing? We don't even know what the costly apparel consisted of, surely some version of Vera Wang right?
Simply put the scriptures record people that start investing more energy and put higher priority on the things that decorate the outside of their bodies.
Do I think it is wrong to be fashionable... hello, it's me! No way! BUT, is there a line to watch for in the sand? Of course. As we put more emphasis on what the world is thinking of us it can become harmful. What started as clothing now turns to other areas of physicality. As we watch other women of the world receiving any type of recognition for their 'costly apparell', or tiny/no bits of apparel, it can affect us, if that is where our focus has mistakenly taken us.
For the righteous neat and comely suggest nice, well cared for, but not emphasized. Clothing is just clothing, not something used to gain the attention of the world, something used to determine status, something used that creates huge debts for those with crazy habits or little self control! Clothes are just that... clothes. Focus remains intact. Watch the line! Make sure you can always see it in front of you.
Made this today.
Friday 1/27
Thankful for...
A lunch date with girlfriends. Don't know that I'd have gotten dressed otherwise! I'd have stayed home to watch the snow fall.
Study time...
The strength and weakness of democracy. Having a king is no good if your king is unrighteous, and it takes effort and war to dethrone a king. But, it isn't a bad thing if your king is the Savior, which the scriptures state is how our government will be run when He comes again. He will be the King of kings. Democracy can be good because the majority of the people often seek for that which is good. The warning given, though, is if the majority of the people then turn to iniquity, watch it! God will then come with destruction! Incentive for those of us who continually seek good to keep the check in balance!
Little O thinks it's great to have a mohawk. I actually really like it on him!
Thursday 1/26
Thankful for...
Again, a run outside! M went to work at 9 so I got a run in before he left. I needed it!
Study time...
We talked about King David today. Really enjoyed, as usual.
Noted again something Brother Simmons often says. It isn't a sin to be tempted. It is a sin to make the choice to give in. When David walked out on Bathsheba he wasn't at fault, but he made a big leap to the other side by inviting the married woman over. At that point he'd crossed the line, made the choice to sin, apparent clearly by his actions.
Also, this was a GREAT man. Often we focus on this part of his life, well, and the part where he has Bathsheba's husband killed! All prior to and after we see great character in him. He surely lived a life, after he was called to repentance, suggesting remorse for his actions, which we never hear of him repeating. I will be interested to see what the Lord has in store for him on the other side. Meaning he was genuinely repentant, but still sinned two very grievous sins, which won't grant him the highest kingdom of glory. Only the Lord knows.
The Old Testament jumps characters and huge time periods. I was looking through, reading the headings for info on David and there is ALOT recorded of him. Again, this is an area where my study needs to increase, but I see that there is much to learn from him based on how much is recorded.
Photo:What is this lady bug doing alive right now?
Thankful for...
Incentive to try a new recipe. We went to the Shumway's annual Chinese New Year party. There was a menu of things to choose from. I complained at first, I don't cook Chinese, can't I just bring cupcakes?!! BUT, I found an easy MuShu Pork recipe, tried it, and really like it! It's a keeper. So, it's good to stretch!
Study time...
Alma 1 uses the term 'costly apparrel' a number of times. We see it throughout the BofM, and it is usually linked with pride, wealth and a fall of people who at some point had put God before the world. The righteous who remained faithful were ...'neat and comely.' They didn't wear the costly apparel.
I've thought about this. Why do we care what they were wearing? We don't even know what the costly apparel consisted of, surely some version of Vera Wang right?
Simply put the scriptures record people that start investing more energy and put higher priority on the things that decorate the outside of their bodies.
Do I think it is wrong to be fashionable... hello, it's me! No way! BUT, is there a line to watch for in the sand? Of course. As we put more emphasis on what the world is thinking of us it can become harmful. What started as clothing now turns to other areas of physicality. As we watch other women of the world receiving any type of recognition for their 'costly apparell', or tiny/no bits of apparel, it can affect us, if that is where our focus has mistakenly taken us.
For the righteous neat and comely suggest nice, well cared for, but not emphasized. Clothing is just clothing, not something used to gain the attention of the world, something used to determine status, something used that creates huge debts for those with crazy habits or little self control! Clothes are just that... clothes. Focus remains intact. Watch the line! Make sure you can always see it in front of you.
Made this today.
Friday 1/27
Thankful for...
A lunch date with girlfriends. Don't know that I'd have gotten dressed otherwise! I'd have stayed home to watch the snow fall.
Study time...
The strength and weakness of democracy. Having a king is no good if your king is unrighteous, and it takes effort and war to dethrone a king. But, it isn't a bad thing if your king is the Savior, which the scriptures state is how our government will be run when He comes again. He will be the King of kings. Democracy can be good because the majority of the people often seek for that which is good. The warning given, though, is if the majority of the people then turn to iniquity, watch it! God will then come with destruction! Incentive for those of us who continually seek good to keep the check in balance!
Little O thinks it's great to have a mohawk. I actually really like it on him!
Thursday 1/26
Thankful for...
Again, a run outside! M went to work at 9 so I got a run in before he left. I needed it!
Study time...
We talked about King David today. Really enjoyed, as usual.
Noted again something Brother Simmons often says. It isn't a sin to be tempted. It is a sin to make the choice to give in. When David walked out on Bathsheba he wasn't at fault, but he made a big leap to the other side by inviting the married woman over. At that point he'd crossed the line, made the choice to sin, apparent clearly by his actions.
Also, this was a GREAT man. Often we focus on this part of his life, well, and the part where he has Bathsheba's husband killed! All prior to and after we see great character in him. He surely lived a life, after he was called to repentance, suggesting remorse for his actions, which we never hear of him repeating. I will be interested to see what the Lord has in store for him on the other side. Meaning he was genuinely repentant, but still sinned two very grievous sins, which won't grant him the highest kingdom of glory. Only the Lord knows.
The Old Testament jumps characters and huge time periods. I was looking through, reading the headings for info on David and there is ALOT recorded of him. Again, this is an area where my study needs to increase, but I see that there is much to learn from him based on how much is recorded.
Photo:What is this lady bug doing alive right now?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Thankful for...
A good home cooked meal. I have been crafting and our dining room table has been occupied! Only 4 can fit around our kitchen table. That is where the kids have eaten the last few nights. Tonight I cooked us a good dinner and the kids and I ate at the dining room table. Dinners together are good.
Study time...
Mosiah 26:3 - '... because of their unbelief they could not understand...' Faith is the first principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you don't believe Him how can you understand Him?
Sherri Dew said, 'Faith is a principle of action. It is our willingness to believe in the Savior that unleashes His power in our lives.'
I appreciate the situation of Alma not knowing how to handle certain church protocol. Where did he go? First he went to king Mosiah and tried to get him to deal with it. But, Mosiah didn't want to, these were church matters, rightfully so. He received his answers straight from the Lord. He 'poured out his whole soul' before the Lord told him what to do and how to handle it. I have total confidence things are handled in the same way today.
ch 27 - King Mosiah finally sends out a decree that basically tells everyone to be nice to each other. Let people believe what they want w/o persecution. We have been hearing the same words over the last several years from the Prophet, we are no better than any man. Be kind to those around us. We don't want to be persecuted for what we believe and certainly should do the same unto others.
Took the kids to playgroup today, shocker!!! They had a great time at the mall play yard. We even did lunch and a carousel ride. We had fun me and my boys.
Thankful for...
A good home cooked meal. I have been crafting and our dining room table has been occupied! Only 4 can fit around our kitchen table. That is where the kids have eaten the last few nights. Tonight I cooked us a good dinner and the kids and I ate at the dining room table. Dinners together are good.
Study time...
Mosiah 26:3 - '... because of their unbelief they could not understand...' Faith is the first principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you don't believe Him how can you understand Him?
Sherri Dew said, 'Faith is a principle of action. It is our willingness to believe in the Savior that unleashes His power in our lives.'
I appreciate the situation of Alma not knowing how to handle certain church protocol. Where did he go? First he went to king Mosiah and tried to get him to deal with it. But, Mosiah didn't want to, these were church matters, rightfully so. He received his answers straight from the Lord. He 'poured out his whole soul' before the Lord told him what to do and how to handle it. I have total confidence things are handled in the same way today.
ch 27 - King Mosiah finally sends out a decree that basically tells everyone to be nice to each other. Let people believe what they want w/o persecution. We have been hearing the same words over the last several years from the Prophet, we are no better than any man. Be kind to those around us. We don't want to be persecuted for what we believe and certainly should do the same unto others.
Took the kids to playgroup today, shocker!!! They had a great time at the mall play yard. We even did lunch and a carousel ride. We had fun me and my boys.
Thankful for...
A clean kitchen. It takes time for me to clean everything up after dinner, but I sure appreciate going to bed with a clean kitchen.
Study time...
We figuratively speak about being in bondage and rescued by the Lord, or I guess I should say we speak about spiritually being in bondage, then being rescued by our Savior. Mosiah 22 and 24 talk about being in the the bondage.
Limhi's people were in bondage, these were people that lived under King Noah's rule, hadn't heard, or chose not to follow Alma. After Noah is burned in the wilderness his son takes over. Limhi, to save the lives of his people agrees to give the L half of everything they possess/make.
After the little misunderstanding I previously spoke about, things were somewhat peaceful, then the L just get bored and I'm sure figure they aren't utilizing their situation right!? They start treating Limhi's people more like slaves.
Apparently just giving half of their all wasn't enough to humble these people. Now they are really being oppressed and have essentially given up, given into the bondage.
21:14 - And they did ahumble themselves even in the depths of humility; and they did cry mightily to God; yea, even all the day long did they cry unto their God that he would bdeliver them out of their afflictions.
E loves his puzzles. We had puzzle time just the two of us while O was at preschool.
Thankful for...
A clean kitchen. It takes time for me to clean everything up after dinner, but I sure appreciate going to bed with a clean kitchen.
Study time...
We figuratively speak about being in bondage and rescued by the Lord, or I guess I should say we speak about spiritually being in bondage, then being rescued by our Savior. Mosiah 22 and 24 talk about being in the the bondage.
Limhi's people were in bondage, these were people that lived under King Noah's rule, hadn't heard, or chose not to follow Alma. After Noah is burned in the wilderness his son takes over. Limhi, to save the lives of his people agrees to give the L half of everything they possess/make.
After the little misunderstanding I previously spoke about, things were somewhat peaceful, then the L just get bored and I'm sure figure they aren't utilizing their situation right!? They start treating Limhi's people more like slaves.
Apparently just giving half of their all wasn't enough to humble these people. Now they are really being oppressed and have essentially given up, given into the bondage.
21:14 - And they did ahumble themselves even in the depths of humility; and they did cry mightily to God; yea, even all the day long did they cry unto their God that he would bdeliver them out of their afflictions.
15 And now the Lord was aslow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their bcries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage.
What does the Lord do next? Maybe a test to see how much they really mean what they cry to him. Ammon stumbles upon them. When they find out who he is they are accepting. Their hearts are tender and he shares the gospel with them. They accept! They want to be baptized, but no one has the authority. They passed the test!
What happens next? The Lord delivers them from bondage. The Lord delivered them physically after they had changed spiritually. We see this time and again.
They were delivered in spirit as they chose to partake of the atonement. He took it a step farther and physically freed them from the Lamanites.
What things am I enslaved to? What things keep me in bondage? The Lord doesn't just heal and free us spiritually, it crosses over into the physical realm quite literally. Our physicality changes after our spirit changes.Photo...
E loves his puzzles. We had puzzle time just the two of us while O was at preschool.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Monday (1/23)
Thankful for...
Those few moments when O takes care of E, when he plays big brother and sets the tone. Several times today he helped E out of the goodness of his heart... shared his chex mix, helped him get a drink. It seems they are at each others throats so many times during the day, arguing over the dumbest stuff of course, that these times really are precious!
Study time...
I got so frustrated at my two youngest today. I keep telling them the rule, not to play with/ touch the DVD's, I'll get them out. The several they touch get scratched and then, of course we can't use them. I got SO frustrated because I have set the rule, implemented consequences when rule is broken, but they still don't get it. I thought to myself, after yelling, how can I be Christlike? How does God just not get so mad at us? Then I thought about where I've been reading. Oh, he does! And he will punish the people who openly rebel against him right? That is what makes me so mad, they know it's wrong, I've asked way more than I need to, I've punished them for breaking the rule...WHY are they still being disobedient? I don't get it!
Anyway, of course they are little and still learning, blah blah, but it was a good reminder that God has his limits too before He will lose his temper, per say, and let us have it!
Finished this winter wreath...
Thankful for...
Those few moments when O takes care of E, when he plays big brother and sets the tone. Several times today he helped E out of the goodness of his heart... shared his chex mix, helped him get a drink. It seems they are at each others throats so many times during the day, arguing over the dumbest stuff of course, that these times really are precious!
Study time...
I got so frustrated at my two youngest today. I keep telling them the rule, not to play with/ touch the DVD's, I'll get them out. The several they touch get scratched and then, of course we can't use them. I got SO frustrated because I have set the rule, implemented consequences when rule is broken, but they still don't get it. I thought to myself, after yelling, how can I be Christlike? How does God just not get so mad at us? Then I thought about where I've been reading. Oh, he does! And he will punish the people who openly rebel against him right? That is what makes me so mad, they know it's wrong, I've asked way more than I need to, I've punished them for breaking the rule...WHY are they still being disobedient? I don't get it!
Anyway, of course they are little and still learning, blah blah, but it was a good reminder that God has his limits too before He will lose his temper, per say, and let us have it!
Finished this winter wreath...
Thankful for...
Dinner plans! We went to the Damsteadts for dinner. I like being fed good food... without having to make it!
Study time...
Mosiah 20 - This all is a big misunderstanding. The Lamanites love their kids too, and when they go missing, assume it was the Nephites that were at fault, which it wasn't. Just goes to show what a lack of trust can do. Neither had done anything to upset the other people, but each knew the 'assumptions' of the other people, based on prior behaviors, stories etc. Instead of asking first, the Lamanites made an assumption and went to war! Of course the Nephites saw this coming and, why would they need a reason to fight us? Lamanites just like to fight, so the N got an early start when they saw the L coming.
Turns out neither were at fault.
Trust certainly is a big proponent of behavior right? We act or react based on how we feel about other people, weather or not we trust them. Am I trustworthy? Does my behavior indicate that? If any situation were to arise with my name attached to it, what would the other people involved assume, based on me and my prior actions, behaviors, stories? Something to think about.
I came down from a little nap to find Q and O playing the computer. She is pretty right? I'm glad she actually chose to do school computer time instead of art computer time.
Thankful for...
A quiet house! We took the kids to the C's tonight, M is over picking them up right now. It's so nice to have a quiet house! I wish it could last a bit longer!
Study time...
Mosiah 18:26 - Love this verse. A few days ago I quoted Bednar, who turned us to the Bible Dictionary for the definition of grace. Read it again... The priests didn't get support or payment from the people. They received grace for their work. Read that quote again.
I've been asked how someone can 'know' that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ. This verse tells us how to come to a knowledge of these things. Grace. It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity.
The knowledge comes as you accomplish things you knew you didn't have the capacity to accomplish on your own, whatever that may be.
G made this lego house today. I'm proud!
Thankful for...
My little Q, today is her birthday. She is my girl. Heaven bless her! She helps me, challenges me, teaches me, has things in common with me. I love her so much and I'm so thankful to have her.
Study time...
Mosiah 11 - the people are clearly upset that someone would come in and tell them that they are living unruly, sinful lives. Ch 12 Abinidi tells them they will be destroyed by God, but their record will be preserved. Their hearts would seem to be, what we call hardened, against the spirit of God and God himself. Abinidi proceeds to clarify the law of Moses that they were supposed to be teaching their people, but weren't (this is how one man could 'cause his people to commit sin...'). He teaches them that the law of Moses is preparation for the Savior and His sacrifice.
Abinidi surely taught with power and conviction to make these men tremble and feel something. (13:7) 12:30 - Abinidi knows the spirit has touched them, they know that he speaks the truth.
Can a heart like that be turned? I believe all things are possible with God, but the choice will always be ours. It is possible to feel something. King Noah was almost ready to release Abinidi, but ultimately chose his way of life over God. The Spirit can prick our hearts, but the actions of changing our life are up to us.
Why was this one man called of God to go give this big sermon, then be put to death? I think it's significant to see Abinidi prophecy, then watch the prophecy be fulfilled. His teachings weren't all in vain, Alma heard, Alma felt, Alma changed, then Alma went on his own mission to teach the gospel to many. And his fruits go on and keep many records, they reestablish the church. The fruits of Abinidi's words did continue on. In his very short appearance, he gave great wisdom and clarification regarding the law of Moses that the people would continue to live by.
Thankful for...
Dinner plans! We went to the Damsteadts for dinner. I like being fed good food... without having to make it!
Study time...
Mosiah 20 - This all is a big misunderstanding. The Lamanites love their kids too, and when they go missing, assume it was the Nephites that were at fault, which it wasn't. Just goes to show what a lack of trust can do. Neither had done anything to upset the other people, but each knew the 'assumptions' of the other people, based on prior behaviors, stories etc. Instead of asking first, the Lamanites made an assumption and went to war! Of course the Nephites saw this coming and, why would they need a reason to fight us? Lamanites just like to fight, so the N got an early start when they saw the L coming.
Turns out neither were at fault.
Trust certainly is a big proponent of behavior right? We act or react based on how we feel about other people, weather or not we trust them. Am I trustworthy? Does my behavior indicate that? If any situation were to arise with my name attached to it, what would the other people involved assume, based on me and my prior actions, behaviors, stories? Something to think about.
I came down from a little nap to find Q and O playing the computer. She is pretty right? I'm glad she actually chose to do school computer time instead of art computer time.
Thankful for...
A quiet house! We took the kids to the C's tonight, M is over picking them up right now. It's so nice to have a quiet house! I wish it could last a bit longer!
Study time...
Mosiah 18:26 - Love this verse. A few days ago I quoted Bednar, who turned us to the Bible Dictionary for the definition of grace. Read it again... The priests didn't get support or payment from the people. They received grace for their work. Read that quote again.
I've been asked how someone can 'know' that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ. This verse tells us how to come to a knowledge of these things. Grace. It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity.
The knowledge comes as you accomplish things you knew you didn't have the capacity to accomplish on your own, whatever that may be.
G made this lego house today. I'm proud!
Thankful for...
My little Q, today is her birthday. She is my girl. Heaven bless her! She helps me, challenges me, teaches me, has things in common with me. I love her so much and I'm so thankful to have her.
Study time...
Mosiah 11 - the people are clearly upset that someone would come in and tell them that they are living unruly, sinful lives. Ch 12 Abinidi tells them they will be destroyed by God, but their record will be preserved. Their hearts would seem to be, what we call hardened, against the spirit of God and God himself. Abinidi proceeds to clarify the law of Moses that they were supposed to be teaching their people, but weren't (this is how one man could 'cause his people to commit sin...'). He teaches them that the law of Moses is preparation for the Savior and His sacrifice.
Abinidi surely taught with power and conviction to make these men tremble and feel something. (13:7) 12:30 - Abinidi knows the spirit has touched them, they know that he speaks the truth.
Can a heart like that be turned? I believe all things are possible with God, but the choice will always be ours. It is possible to feel something. King Noah was almost ready to release Abinidi, but ultimately chose his way of life over God. The Spirit can prick our hearts, but the actions of changing our life are up to us.
Why was this one man called of God to go give this big sermon, then be put to death? I think it's significant to see Abinidi prophecy, then watch the prophecy be fulfilled. His teachings weren't all in vain, Alma heard, Alma felt, Alma changed, then Alma went on his own mission to teach the gospel to many. And his fruits go on and keep many records, they reestablish the church. The fruits of Abinidi's words did continue on. In his very short appearance, he gave great wisdom and clarification regarding the law of Moses that the people would continue to live by.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thankful for...
Good neighbors. M is in VA doing interviews and it has been snowing all day. My neighbor called to tell me her husband was out doing my drive and not to be startled if I heard him. How great are they? Love the people on this street!
Study time...
Mosiah 9:17 and 10:10 - I have this little quote book that gives a quote as well as guiding your reading for this 100 day challenge. The quote attached to this reading is interesting to me. It is by Elder Bednar. I went to look up the thought online and found more to it, which enlightened me a bit more.
“Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things” (Jacob 4:6-7).
Brothers and sisters, please pay particular attention to the word grace as it is used in the verse I just read. In the Bible Dictionary we learn that the word grace frequently is used in the scriptures to connote a strengthening or enabling power:
“The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.
“… It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts” (p. 697).
Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior’s Atonement is real.
The Nephites, who were somewhat lost as far as 'spiritual blindness' goes, found strength in the Lord as they went to battle w/ the Lamanites. It says they remembered the deliverance of their fathers.
I asked myself why this quote was paired with this scripture.
They must have had some softening of heart right? Why would they cry to the Lord? As you recognize you need Him and He answers back, do you then feel obliged to repent? I don't imagine the Lord just handed them help. He has warned time and again He'd let the Lamanites destroy the Nephites if they were being unrighteous. That would suggest a genuine change of heart, some repentance, some usage of the atonement.
That is where this quote comes into play. As the Nephites turned to the atonement is it possible that they literally gained strength of the Lord? Physically? Does the atonement give us physical strength and power? It benefits us emotionally and spiritually, of course it benefits us physically! We have all sorts of 'limited mortal capacities'. We recognize that it transforms our lives 'to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means'. We change habits, seek for better, heal wounds, cleanse imperfections all through the atonement. Those can be very physical. Why wouldn't it also give us literal physical strength?
It wasn't by some magical power that the Nephites overcame, it was through the atonement.
O came in, 'Mom E is sleeping and I covered him up.'
Awe I thought, 'Thanks O you are a good brother.'
I go in and literally...
I can't see E!
Poor kid, his cheeks were all pink, he was hot, and I'm sure fighting for air!!!
Thankful for...
Good neighbors. M is in VA doing interviews and it has been snowing all day. My neighbor called to tell me her husband was out doing my drive and not to be startled if I heard him. How great are they? Love the people on this street!
Study time...
Mosiah 9:17 and 10:10 - I have this little quote book that gives a quote as well as guiding your reading for this 100 day challenge. The quote attached to this reading is interesting to me. It is by Elder Bednar. I went to look up the thought online and found more to it, which enlightened me a bit more.
“Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things” (Jacob 4:6-7).
Brothers and sisters, please pay particular attention to the word grace as it is used in the verse I just read. In the Bible Dictionary we learn that the word grace frequently is used in the scriptures to connote a strengthening or enabling power:
“The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.
“… It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts” (p. 697).
Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior’s Atonement is real.
The Nephites, who were somewhat lost as far as 'spiritual blindness' goes, found strength in the Lord as they went to battle w/ the Lamanites. It says they remembered the deliverance of their fathers.
I asked myself why this quote was paired with this scripture.
They must have had some softening of heart right? Why would they cry to the Lord? As you recognize you need Him and He answers back, do you then feel obliged to repent? I don't imagine the Lord just handed them help. He has warned time and again He'd let the Lamanites destroy the Nephites if they were being unrighteous. That would suggest a genuine change of heart, some repentance, some usage of the atonement.
That is where this quote comes into play. As the Nephites turned to the atonement is it possible that they literally gained strength of the Lord? Physically? Does the atonement give us physical strength and power? It benefits us emotionally and spiritually, of course it benefits us physically! We have all sorts of 'limited mortal capacities'. We recognize that it transforms our lives 'to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means'. We change habits, seek for better, heal wounds, cleanse imperfections all through the atonement. Those can be very physical. Why wouldn't it also give us literal physical strength?
It wasn't by some magical power that the Nephites overcame, it was through the atonement.
O came in, 'Mom E is sleeping and I covered him up.'
Awe I thought, 'Thanks O you are a good brother.'
I go in and literally...
I can't see E!
Poor kid, his cheeks were all pink, he was hot, and I'm sure fighting for air!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
All In One
Thankful for...
A chilling run outside. It was windy and cold, but I still appreciated getting out.
Study time...
Mosiah 6:7 - Love the learned behavior Of Mosiah from his wonderful father king Benjamin. He didn't want to burden his people, he wanted to be like his father and work with his people. Work ethic, on the parents heads to teach that to our children.
8:20 - Like that is says the Lord doth suffer with his people. Also '... how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men for they will not seek wisdom...' Footnote on blind is spiritual blindess. Because they won't seek wisdom. Where do you suppose that wisdom is to come from, what does he want us continually looking/seeking for or from? And why won't they seek that wisdom? They don't want it to rule over them. Hmmm. Could you replace the word 'wisdom' with 'God'? Lack of understanding is a result of not seeking God, it is spiritual blindness. There is so much wisdom he would hope to show us, if we would just be willing and able to recieve it.
Went to a skating rink w/ Melissa today. Need to write about that! It was fun.
Thankful for...
A good cleansing! Molly came over to watch Gray's and made a 'smoothie' for me! Didn't love it, but tried it anyway! I'd rather eat a salad... with no dressing. Love watching GA w/ my buddy!
Study time...
Mosiah 4:11,12 - '... that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance...' remember what? Remember the greatness of God and our own nothingness. Why? Humility. If we are humble we will rely and '... call on the name of the Lord daily...' As we do that we '... stand steadfastly in faith...'. What are we promised if we do this? v.12 says we not only receive remission of sin, but we also '...grow in knowledge of his glory...' and '... knowledge of that which is just and true.' Remember, and always retain in remembrance. Don't let that slip out of your mind.
Laundry day, ug!
Thankful for...
Big blessings! Thought I'd lost E at one point on this trip! It made my heart race. So thankful to have found him!
Study time...
Started on these balloon wreaths on the trip. They go pretty fast! Pretty expensive to make actually, but I'll love hanging them during our birthday weeks.
Thankful for...
family time. Although I don't love the Sunday choice, it's ok. The kids were so happy when we told them we were going to the water park!
Study time...
none today... I did get a few verses in before we left. Not a good 'study', but at least I was in there, and that is better than nothing!
the joy of hearing the news!
Thankful for...
Take out and fast food! After a long photo shoot I didn't want to go home and cook. McD's for the kids and Chipotle for M and I. Nice!
Study time...
Read some in the BofM. Also started reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O. Rich. Love these first thoughts on happiness.
"Life, the raw materials of this earth, and the timeless unchangeable authority of laws which govern nature and human nature, are gifts of God, the rest we must learn and earn for ourselves, including happiness." -Alexander Magoun
"Every honest, righteous man or woman knows that happiness is an achievement wrought out of the fabric of life and living. In this truth lies all the dignity of righteousness. Every son and daughter of God must learn this one fundamental precept of His divine grace; that God will give them all that they are willing and able to receive." He then quotes Phillip Brooks, 'Rememeber, God is teaching you always as much truth as you can learn. If you are in sorrow at your ignorance, still you must not despair. Be capable for more knowledge and it shall be given you. What hinders you from knowing God perfectly is not God's unwillingness but your imperfectness. Grow better and purer, and diviner wisdom shall come to you, not given as wages, as reward, but simply admitted into a nature grown more capable of receiving it.
O in the snow. Finally!
Thankful for...
Days I don't have to go anywhere... or 'need' to, but don't!
Study time...
Thoughts of Omni... Five writers in that little record. None of which really have anything to say. Omni himself says he's a wicked man. There is no new revelation in the time period covered in this little book (around 231 years, about the same amount of time covered in the prior books). There is no one righteous enough to receive. Apostasy? It amazes me that thought the prophets saw and warned of this very thing no one in it noticed it while it was happening and all but a few (which Mosiah led away from the wicked Nephites) turned away from the Lord and forgot, no longer knew, were lost.
E sleeping, still not 100%. Love how he tucks his little hands under his face.
Thankful for...
A chilling run outside. It was windy and cold, but I still appreciated getting out.
Study time...
Mosiah 6:7 - Love the learned behavior Of Mosiah from his wonderful father king Benjamin. He didn't want to burden his people, he wanted to be like his father and work with his people. Work ethic, on the parents heads to teach that to our children.
8:20 - Like that is says the Lord doth suffer with his people. Also '... how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men for they will not seek wisdom...' Footnote on blind is spiritual blindess. Because they won't seek wisdom. Where do you suppose that wisdom is to come from, what does he want us continually looking/seeking for or from? And why won't they seek that wisdom? They don't want it to rule over them. Hmmm. Could you replace the word 'wisdom' with 'God'? Lack of understanding is a result of not seeking God, it is spiritual blindness. There is so much wisdom he would hope to show us, if we would just be willing and able to recieve it.
Went to a skating rink w/ Melissa today. Need to write about that! It was fun.
Thankful for...
A good cleansing! Molly came over to watch Gray's and made a 'smoothie' for me! Didn't love it, but tried it anyway! I'd rather eat a salad... with no dressing. Love watching GA w/ my buddy!
Study time...
Mosiah 4:11,12 - '... that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance...' remember what? Remember the greatness of God and our own nothingness. Why? Humility. If we are humble we will rely and '... call on the name of the Lord daily...' As we do that we '... stand steadfastly in faith...'. What are we promised if we do this? v.12 says we not only receive remission of sin, but we also '...grow in knowledge of his glory...' and '... knowledge of that which is just and true.' Remember, and always retain in remembrance. Don't let that slip out of your mind.
Laundry day, ug!
Thankful for...
Big blessings! Thought I'd lost E at one point on this trip! It made my heart race. So thankful to have found him!
Study time...
Started on these balloon wreaths on the trip. They go pretty fast! Pretty expensive to make actually, but I'll love hanging them during our birthday weeks.
Thankful for...
family time. Although I don't love the Sunday choice, it's ok. The kids were so happy when we told them we were going to the water park!
Study time...
none today... I did get a few verses in before we left. Not a good 'study', but at least I was in there, and that is better than nothing!
the joy of hearing the news!
Thankful for...
Take out and fast food! After a long photo shoot I didn't want to go home and cook. McD's for the kids and Chipotle for M and I. Nice!
Study time...
Read some in the BofM. Also started reading 'Our Living Gospel' by Wendell O. Rich. Love these first thoughts on happiness.
"Life, the raw materials of this earth, and the timeless unchangeable authority of laws which govern nature and human nature, are gifts of God, the rest we must learn and earn for ourselves, including happiness." -Alexander Magoun
"Every honest, righteous man or woman knows that happiness is an achievement wrought out of the fabric of life and living. In this truth lies all the dignity of righteousness. Every son and daughter of God must learn this one fundamental precept of His divine grace; that God will give them all that they are willing and able to receive." He then quotes Phillip Brooks, 'Rememeber, God is teaching you always as much truth as you can learn. If you are in sorrow at your ignorance, still you must not despair. Be capable for more knowledge and it shall be given you. What hinders you from knowing God perfectly is not God's unwillingness but your imperfectness. Grow better and purer, and diviner wisdom shall come to you, not given as wages, as reward, but simply admitted into a nature grown more capable of receiving it.
O in the snow. Finally!
Thankful for...
Days I don't have to go anywhere... or 'need' to, but don't!
Study time...
Thoughts of Omni... Five writers in that little record. None of which really have anything to say. Omni himself says he's a wicked man. There is no new revelation in the time period covered in this little book (around 231 years, about the same amount of time covered in the prior books). There is no one righteous enough to receive. Apostasy? It amazes me that thought the prophets saw and warned of this very thing no one in it noticed it while it was happening and all but a few (which Mosiah led away from the wicked Nephites) turned away from the Lord and forgot, no longer knew, were lost.
E sleeping, still not 100%. Love how he tucks his little hands under his face.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thankful for...
Ballet, that is not a normal feeling for me. I am, by no means, a ballerina. It still feels foreign, I'm unsure of where my arms go, and my head placement. It challenges me. I didn't grow up doing ballet, but I'm a good technician, I have good lines and lift. I just need practice.
Standing in parallel feels better than turnout, using my back, contracting feels more comfortable than being held all of class. But it is good for me.
I felt some yucks this evening and considered not going to ballet. It was such a good workout and I know it will make me a better dancer. I was so thankful for ballet. It takes some convincing to go, but I'm always glad that I did.
Study time...
Today at institute we talked about Hannah, Samuel, Eli and Saul. (1 Samuel 1-15) Going to institute has piqued my interest and I always come home wanting to spend time in the old testament, new feeling! We talked about character vs. behavior. How they relate to each other, how they are different. Are they learned, innate, can you change them and does the act of changing them affect the other? We talked about them in the context of challenge and temptation.
It was a good reminder, at a good time that these are two separate elements. We never behave perfectly right? I am continually making mistakes with my behavior. BUT, I believe in my character, who I am. I can change my behavior so it better reflects my character, and in times of temptation and trial, does my behavior reveal my true character?
Does behavior reflect character in times of challenge or temptation? Does challenge or temptation come to reveal our true character?
This winter has been so oddly warm, no snow! This photo is of the berries outside my house with rain drops on them.
Thankful for...
Ballet, that is not a normal feeling for me. I am, by no means, a ballerina. It still feels foreign, I'm unsure of where my arms go, and my head placement. It challenges me. I didn't grow up doing ballet, but I'm a good technician, I have good lines and lift. I just need practice.
Standing in parallel feels better than turnout, using my back, contracting feels more comfortable than being held all of class. But it is good for me.
I felt some yucks this evening and considered not going to ballet. It was such a good workout and I know it will make me a better dancer. I was so thankful for ballet. It takes some convincing to go, but I'm always glad that I did.
Study time...
Today at institute we talked about Hannah, Samuel, Eli and Saul. (1 Samuel 1-15) Going to institute has piqued my interest and I always come home wanting to spend time in the old testament, new feeling! We talked about character vs. behavior. How they relate to each other, how they are different. Are they learned, innate, can you change them and does the act of changing them affect the other? We talked about them in the context of challenge and temptation.
It was a good reminder, at a good time that these are two separate elements. We never behave perfectly right? I am continually making mistakes with my behavior. BUT, I believe in my character, who I am. I can change my behavior so it better reflects my character, and in times of temptation and trial, does my behavior reveal my true character?
Does behavior reflect character in times of challenge or temptation? Does challenge or temptation come to reveal our true character?
Maxwell April 1999 talk
President Young observed that real faith requires faith in the Savior’s character, in His Atonement, and in the plan of salvation (in Journal of Discourses, 13:56). The Savior’s character necessarily underwrote His remarkable Atonement. Without His sublime character there could have been no sublime Atonement! His character is such that He went forth “suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind” (Alma 7:11), yet He gave temptations “no heed” (D&C 20:22).
President Young observed that real faith requires faith in the Savior’s character, in His Atonement, and in the plan of salvation (in Journal of Discourses, 13:56). The Savior’s character necessarily underwrote His remarkable Atonement. Without His sublime character there could have been no sublime Atonement! His character is such that He went forth “suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind” (Alma 7:11), yet He gave temptations “no heed” (D&C 20:22).
C. S. Lewis has said that only those who resist temptation really understand the power of temptation. Because Jesus resisted it perfectly, He understood temptation perfectly; hence He can help us. (See Mere Christianity [1952], 124–25.) The fact that He was dismissive of temptation and gave it “no heed” reveals His marvelous character, which we are to emulate (see 3 Ne. 12:48; 3 Ne. 27:27).
This winter has been so oddly warm, no snow! This photo is of the berries outside my house with rain drops on them.
By myself...
Thankful for...
Little boys that are buddies. I painted the family room. How could I do that with two little boys at home? Really, I didn't take a shower until after the big kids came home! I painted all morning! Those little boys were great! They stayed out of the room, didn't touch the paint, kept each other busy. I only occasionally stopped to feed them and dispel an argument or two. Glad to get that room done!
Study time...
Enos - Enos is known for his prayer. What led him to prayer? He was out hunting, and thinking, about the things his father had taught him he was pondering...
4. Ponder
To ponder is to meditate, to think, to feast, and to treasure. It is more than a mental method, it is a spiritual striving to obtain and to understand truth. We should follow the process taught by the Savior to the Nephites as he taught them sacred principles. He then instructed them to “Go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow.” (3 Ne. 17:3.)
We should ponder the meanings of the things we learn from our search of the scriptures. The Apostle Paul instructed the Philippian Saints to “think on these things.” (Philip. 4:8.) To think involves forming mental images in the mind and focusing intently upon that which has been discovered. Nephi counseled to “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne. 32:3.) To feast is to consume, to digest, to absorb.
As we ponder, we should follow the counsel of the Savior when he said, “Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life.” (D&C 84:85). This implies that we should repeat in our minds the principles we have learned and draw upon them in each of our decisions. resource...
I can tell a difference in the days that I haven't stopped to think and ponder... to strive spiritually to obtain truth and understanding.
I met w/ a client at the Galleria mall, spent some time looking afterwards. Bought these time keepers at PB.

Thankful for...
Errand running by myself. Matt stayed home today w/ eye funk. Left E w/ him then took O to preschool. Had a couple of hours to run around by myself. Nice.
Study time...
Jacob 6:5 - full purpose of heart... cleave unto God and he cleaveth unto you
cleave 2 (kl
3. To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air.
Took O to his first day of preschool today. He was so excited! He is ready. Took pic of G like this years ago, seems like yesterday he was sitting in that car seat.
Thankful for...
Little boys that are buddies. I painted the family room. How could I do that with two little boys at home? Really, I didn't take a shower until after the big kids came home! I painted all morning! Those little boys were great! They stayed out of the room, didn't touch the paint, kept each other busy. I only occasionally stopped to feed them and dispel an argument or two. Glad to get that room done!
Study time...
Enos - Enos is known for his prayer. What led him to prayer? He was out hunting, and thinking, about the things his father had taught him he was pondering...
4. Ponder
To ponder is to meditate, to think, to feast, and to treasure. It is more than a mental method, it is a spiritual striving to obtain and to understand truth. We should follow the process taught by the Savior to the Nephites as he taught them sacred principles. He then instructed them to “Go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow.” (3 Ne. 17:3.)
We should ponder the meanings of the things we learn from our search of the scriptures. The Apostle Paul instructed the Philippian Saints to “think on these things.” (Philip. 4:8.) To think involves forming mental images in the mind and focusing intently upon that which has been discovered. Nephi counseled to “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne. 32:3.) To feast is to consume, to digest, to absorb.
As we ponder, we should follow the counsel of the Savior when he said, “Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life.” (D&C 84:85). This implies that we should repeat in our minds the principles we have learned and draw upon them in each of our decisions. resource...
I can tell a difference in the days that I haven't stopped to think and ponder... to strive spiritually to obtain truth and understanding.
I met w/ a client at the Galleria mall, spent some time looking afterwards. Bought these time keepers at PB.

Thankful for...
Errand running by myself. Matt stayed home today w/ eye funk. Left E w/ him then took O to preschool. Had a couple of hours to run around by myself. Nice.
Study time...
Jacob 6:5 - full purpose of heart... cleave unto God and he cleaveth unto you
cleave 2 (kl

3. To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air.
intr.v. cleaved, cleav·ing, cleaves
Jacob 7 - First anti-Christ. Noting his teachings to beware today. 1) Things that were flattering to the people. 2) No man can tell of things to come. (we believe no man knows the day the Lord will come, but we certainly believe in prophecy through a living prophet) 3) claimed to believe in scriptures, but didn't understand them, that they spoke of Christ. 4) Would not accept evidence except through physical senses.
1. To adhere, cling, or stick fast.
2. To be faithful: cleave to one's principles.
I like that first definition which suggests more than just holding tight, piercing goes deeper than the surface. Cleaving unto the Lord would mean more than just being faithful to Him or his teachings, it would suggest more depth. He certainly knows us in depth, do we strive to remember what we know about Him?
Took O to his first day of preschool today. He was so excited! He is ready. Took pic of G like this years ago, seems like yesterday he was sitting in that car seat.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A good day...
Thankful for...
New beginnings. Each new day is fresh, there may be lingerings from days past, but my choices for today matter because they are for today.
Study time...
Jacob 5 - Love this information about the allegory...
Zenos compares the house of Israel to an olive tree that the Lord planted and nourished in the good soil of His vineyard. After a time, despite the Lord’s persistent care, the tree began to decay and the main branches started to wither (verses 1–7). Though settled and preserved in the promised land of Canaan, Israel rejected the word of the Lord until she was nearly destroyed. To preserve what He could of the tree, the Lord took some surviving branches and planted them in various places throughout the vineyard (verses 8, 13–14). The ten tribes, Lehi’s family, the Jews, and other remnants of Israel were scattered throughout the world.
In place of the original tree’s natural branches, the Lord grafted in branches of wild trees as a stimulant in hope that they might bear good fruit if nourished by strong roots (verses 9–12). Rejected by Israel, the gospel was given to the gentiles in Palestine and throughout the world. For a while, the wild branches did bear good fruit, but in time they began to overrun and sap the strength of the roots (verses 15–18; 29–37). The early apostolic Christian Church flourished among the gentiles but soon fell into apostasy. The natural branches scattered through four parts of the vineyard also started to bear good fruit, but in time they all turned wild (verses 19–29, 38–47). Scattered Israel also received Christ and His gospel but fell into apostasy.
Later, to preserve the roots, the Lord cast off the wild branches and grafted in again from the natural branches (verses 48–59). The Lord then started to gather the house of Israel again into the gospel fold and their lands of inheritance. The Lord seeks to preserve the best of the natural and wild branches. These can yet bear an abundance of good fruit, which He will gather in and store against coming seasons (verses 60–68). The Lord gathers and restores Israel to her lands of promise as He fulfills the ancient covenants. Gentiles who embrace the gospel are numbered among the redeemed house of Israel. The restoration of the vineyard takes place as the wild branches are burned and the Lord enjoys His bounteous harvest (verses 69–77). The Lord destroys the remainder of the wicked world prior to His Second Coming and glorious millennial reign. reference LINK
v. 50 - In true Savior fashion, the servant says to the Lord, spare it a little longer, showing the merciful man that He is.
back from the bus stop, little boys are still asleep, love the quiet moment... it is fleeting! New beginnings.
I love Sunday. I love going to church and feeling my heart pound. I love the quickening of the Spirit I feel, the learning that takes place through other's words, and through personal revelation. It is a place of learning, of renewal. It brings peace and joy into my life. You may think that is my 'thankful' for the day, but it isn't. I just love it.
Thankful for...
Reconnecting. Hearing the words '... it helps me feel alive again...'. Two hour conversations, no where to go, just talking...
Study time...
Thoughts from Gospel Doctrine - If Lehi spoke w/ God how did he not know he needed the brass plates? Would you ask that as a son? He didn't think to take them, they weren't his plates. The Lord told him to go back and take something from someone else. It probably wasn't his first thought as he took his family and fled for his life.
Significance of the brass plates going w/ Lehi's family. Lehi is a branch that was broken off to be planted somewhere else, part of the scattering of Israel. Him having the brass plates was essential for the word of God to stay intact as the seed was planted here in the Americas. If the word of God (scripture) is not there for the Lord to hold his standard, man has the ability to make his own interpretation of what he 'thought' was the word of God. We see how innocently apostasy begins. And now, we can see how essential it all was, to have two words of God, two books of scripture, to solidify authenticity in a world forgetting God.
Many time in scripture the younger is the one worthy of the birthright.
Also, thoughts of Leman and Lemuel like that of Sampson, that I just wrote about. God didn't take anything away, they turned from Him. L and L had the same upbringing as Nephi, taught the same principles, but felt differently about it. We are eternal creatures, having talents, strengths, desires, we come here and experience life and determine what we will become based on our choices. We each have agency and will make different choices. It amazes me how merciful the Lord really was to them. Continuing to show them angels and shock them, and speak to them, to show them He is, and it still didn't matter, w/o faith they turned and walked away.
Jacob 3 - Lord talks of how impressed he is w/ Lamanites loving each other and being faithful in the unit of the family. He tells the Nephites not to judge them, they are doing better than the Nephites who are being unfaithful to their families.
4:4 - They had hope of Christ's glory hundreds of years before His coming. They didn't yet know of His great atonement, His resurrection, the fullness of His purpose in coming. They had hope...
4:6 - having all of these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken. Having so many witnesses around you why wouldn't you even try to hope? How does that harm you?
4:12 - why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him... exactly, why not? This is where I differ from others. I have always had a desire, some don't, but what is the harm in trying, even if the desire doesn't come naturally?
Thankful for...
New beginnings. Each new day is fresh, there may be lingerings from days past, but my choices for today matter because they are for today.
Study time...
Jacob 5 - Love this information about the allegory...
Zenos compares the house of Israel to an olive tree that the Lord planted and nourished in the good soil of His vineyard. After a time, despite the Lord’s persistent care, the tree began to decay and the main branches started to wither (verses 1–7). Though settled and preserved in the promised land of Canaan, Israel rejected the word of the Lord until she was nearly destroyed. To preserve what He could of the tree, the Lord took some surviving branches and planted them in various places throughout the vineyard (verses 8, 13–14). The ten tribes, Lehi’s family, the Jews, and other remnants of Israel were scattered throughout the world.
In place of the original tree’s natural branches, the Lord grafted in branches of wild trees as a stimulant in hope that they might bear good fruit if nourished by strong roots (verses 9–12). Rejected by Israel, the gospel was given to the gentiles in Palestine and throughout the world. For a while, the wild branches did bear good fruit, but in time they began to overrun and sap the strength of the roots (verses 15–18; 29–37). The early apostolic Christian Church flourished among the gentiles but soon fell into apostasy. The natural branches scattered through four parts of the vineyard also started to bear good fruit, but in time they all turned wild (verses 19–29, 38–47). Scattered Israel also received Christ and His gospel but fell into apostasy.
Later, to preserve the roots, the Lord cast off the wild branches and grafted in again from the natural branches (verses 48–59). The Lord then started to gather the house of Israel again into the gospel fold and their lands of inheritance. The Lord seeks to preserve the best of the natural and wild branches. These can yet bear an abundance of good fruit, which He will gather in and store against coming seasons (verses 60–68). The Lord gathers and restores Israel to her lands of promise as He fulfills the ancient covenants. Gentiles who embrace the gospel are numbered among the redeemed house of Israel. The restoration of the vineyard takes place as the wild branches are burned and the Lord enjoys His bounteous harvest (verses 69–77). The Lord destroys the remainder of the wicked world prior to His Second Coming and glorious millennial reign. reference LINK
v. 50 - In true Savior fashion, the servant says to the Lord, spare it a little longer, showing the merciful man that He is.
back from the bus stop, little boys are still asleep, love the quiet moment... it is fleeting! New beginnings.
I love Sunday. I love going to church and feeling my heart pound. I love the quickening of the Spirit I feel, the learning that takes place through other's words, and through personal revelation. It is a place of learning, of renewal. It brings peace and joy into my life. You may think that is my 'thankful' for the day, but it isn't. I just love it.
Thankful for...
Reconnecting. Hearing the words '... it helps me feel alive again...'. Two hour conversations, no where to go, just talking...
Study time...
Thoughts from Gospel Doctrine - If Lehi spoke w/ God how did he not know he needed the brass plates? Would you ask that as a son? He didn't think to take them, they weren't his plates. The Lord told him to go back and take something from someone else. It probably wasn't his first thought as he took his family and fled for his life.
Significance of the brass plates going w/ Lehi's family. Lehi is a branch that was broken off to be planted somewhere else, part of the scattering of Israel. Him having the brass plates was essential for the word of God to stay intact as the seed was planted here in the Americas. If the word of God (scripture) is not there for the Lord to hold his standard, man has the ability to make his own interpretation of what he 'thought' was the word of God. We see how innocently apostasy begins. And now, we can see how essential it all was, to have two words of God, two books of scripture, to solidify authenticity in a world forgetting God.
Many time in scripture the younger is the one worthy of the birthright.
Also, thoughts of Leman and Lemuel like that of Sampson, that I just wrote about. God didn't take anything away, they turned from Him. L and L had the same upbringing as Nephi, taught the same principles, but felt differently about it. We are eternal creatures, having talents, strengths, desires, we come here and experience life and determine what we will become based on our choices. We each have agency and will make different choices. It amazes me how merciful the Lord really was to them. Continuing to show them angels and shock them, and speak to them, to show them He is, and it still didn't matter, w/o faith they turned and walked away.
Jacob 3 - Lord talks of how impressed he is w/ Lamanites loving each other and being faithful in the unit of the family. He tells the Nephites not to judge them, they are doing better than the Nephites who are being unfaithful to their families.
4:4 - They had hope of Christ's glory hundreds of years before His coming. They didn't yet know of His great atonement, His resurrection, the fullness of His purpose in coming. They had hope...
4:6 - having all of these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken. Having so many witnesses around you why wouldn't you even try to hope? How does that harm you?
4:12 - why not speak of the atonement of Christ, and attain to a perfect knowledge of him... exactly, why not? This is where I differ from others. I have always had a desire, some don't, but what is the harm in trying, even if the desire doesn't come naturally?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thankful for...
Thankful for...
Endless hot water! The unfortunate incident of our hot water heater dying was really not so unfortunate! I really go into sauna mode these days. I toast my skin and don't even feel cold when I get out because I need some refreshment! It's pretty fabulous, not gonna lie!
Study time...
Went back and read from "A Companion to Your Study of the B of M", by Ludlow. I'll skim through as I read and see what he says that catches my eye. I wrote yesterday of 'all is well in Zion'. His take on it is, we say all is well and we should be calling it as it is, sharing and warning those around us, because we know these are the last days, the days both the Bible and BofM foresee. All too often I sit back and don't say anything because people live what they choose. Truth is truth, but we all have a choice to believe in it. I've wondered if I don't say enough...
Jacob 2:8 - the word of God healeth the soul. So much emphasis is put on prayer, which of course I agree with, but there is undeniable power in the word of God. His word is the conduit through which the Spirit can speak, and offer healing, comfort, knowledge, revelation... read His word!!!
2:25 - chastisement for whoredoms. He tells the people that he broke this branch off, brought these people here to raise up a righteous branch, not to repeat what was happening in the old world. Ironic that in our day this land, to which he is speaking is now worse than the old land, and he'd probably tell them not to do what we are doing! Our culture today, in this land, is worse, as far as whoredoms go, than probably any land. It's all part of everyday life now, here, you hear about it all the time.
Comfort in the Lord always... he wants his daughters to be chaste. I'm sure I'm not the only woman who finds it challenging to live in a world where so much emphasis is put on how a woman looks. It drives me crazy! Why does it matter? I can't even go there! I lose focus at times and forget that the Lord delighteth in the chastity of women. (Chastity is sexual purity. Those who are chaste are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions... as defined by the gospel library) THAT is who and what I want to be. THAT is who I want my daughter to be. That is who I AM, and it makes the Lord happy. No need to compete with the things of the world, I will never win.
Little E came up to me tonight while I was studying and I held him while he cried (very loud). I gave him some tickles to help him feel better. You tickle my hands and arms, he said. My camera was still upstairs so I took a picture of our hands. His are still small. They won't be for long. It goes so fast. I love my little E.
Endless hot water! The unfortunate incident of our hot water heater dying was really not so unfortunate! I really go into sauna mode these days. I toast my skin and don't even feel cold when I get out because I need some refreshment! It's pretty fabulous, not gonna lie!
Study time...
Went back and read from "A Companion to Your Study of the B of M", by Ludlow. I'll skim through as I read and see what he says that catches my eye. I wrote yesterday of 'all is well in Zion'. His take on it is, we say all is well and we should be calling it as it is, sharing and warning those around us, because we know these are the last days, the days both the Bible and BofM foresee. All too often I sit back and don't say anything because people live what they choose. Truth is truth, but we all have a choice to believe in it. I've wondered if I don't say enough...
Jacob 2:8 - the word of God healeth the soul. So much emphasis is put on prayer, which of course I agree with, but there is undeniable power in the word of God. His word is the conduit through which the Spirit can speak, and offer healing, comfort, knowledge, revelation... read His word!!!
2:25 - chastisement for whoredoms. He tells the people that he broke this branch off, brought these people here to raise up a righteous branch, not to repeat what was happening in the old world. Ironic that in our day this land, to which he is speaking is now worse than the old land, and he'd probably tell them not to do what we are doing! Our culture today, in this land, is worse, as far as whoredoms go, than probably any land. It's all part of everyday life now, here, you hear about it all the time.
Comfort in the Lord always... he wants his daughters to be chaste. I'm sure I'm not the only woman who finds it challenging to live in a world where so much emphasis is put on how a woman looks. It drives me crazy! Why does it matter? I can't even go there! I lose focus at times and forget that the Lord delighteth in the chastity of women. (Chastity is sexual purity. Those who are chaste are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions... as defined by the gospel library) THAT is who and what I want to be. THAT is who I want my daughter to be. That is who I AM, and it makes the Lord happy. No need to compete with the things of the world, I will never win.
Little E came up to me tonight while I was studying and I held him while he cried (very loud). I gave him some tickles to help him feel better. You tickle my hands and arms, he said. My camera was still upstairs so I took a picture of our hands. His are still small. They won't be for long. It goes so fast. I love my little E.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Just one a day...
Can I do this? Yes I can! I will print this and it will be my book or journal, for me.
I can write down one thing a day to be thankful for. I can write an uplifting message.
I want to improve my photography. I want to take a photo a day, a good one, one that is well thought out. It may or may not be what I am thankful for.
Scriptural thoughts for today:
Abraham 1:11 - virtuous daughters. they were of the linage of Noah. they were the lord's covenant daughters, they knew and they lived it by choice. they died because of what they believe, in a living God. they would not turn to the world, they had no interest in it.
When I hear the word 'virtue' I think of 'cleanliness and purity'. I want to live a virtuous life.
Going to Mark 5:30 the Savior felt his 'virtue' leave him as his robe was touched by someone who was unclean.
Symbolic, first of all, that we can find virtue (cleanliness and purity), or as the footnote states, power and strength through the Savior.
Symbolic that he felt it leave him. We feel it leave, do we get it back or slowly become ok w/o it? Symbolic that uncleanliness leads to loss of strength and power.
Symbolic that by having virtue and developing that character trait we are prepared to be with God. If she was prepared and touched His robe, would His strength have left Him?
Yesterday at institute we talked about Sampson. Know the story, but have never read through those chapters, and at least had them impact me. Was good to review his story and who he was.
Judges 14-16 - This man was given a gift from the Lord. He taunted others with it. He was proud. Does he even remember who gave him that gift? He certainly wasn't a worthy servant of the Lord, but he still maintained his gift from the Lord, by holding onto his hair.
Symbolic that the Lord never took away what he had given Sampson. He will never take away, it is us that leave. Only by Sampson telling Delilah what his gift was, making himself completely vulnerable to her, knowing she was going to exploit that, because she had several times, did he actually lose it. He had forgotten.
Symbolic making ourselves vulnerable to the one who wants to hurt us. He was strong, yet he let her tie him up... three times! He wanted to show her no one could hurt him, so he kept letting her tie him up. What made him choose to actually tell her the truth about his gift though? Why did he make the choice to leave the Lord? He certainly wasn't behaving in a way which makes us think he knew the Lord. He had become so numb that I suspect he really didn't know the impact of his decision, which is how Satan works.
Had he really forgotten? After he is taken away, blinded and imprisoned. He called to the Lord, so he could have revenge! The Lord didn't answer his prayer because of Sampson's change of heart. He destroyed that building to show them all the God of Sampson is God, not to be confused with Dagon, the Philistine's God, who they thought had delivered Sampson to them. It wasn't Dagon, it was Sampson himself who gave himself to them. God will not be mocked and reminded us here that He is ruler of all, despite our choice to be with him or not. I see that in my life. Choices everywhere to not acknowledge He is the true and living God. To not use our gifts and acknowledge they do indeed come from a Father that loves us and wants for us to reach to Him, not for His own power and well-being, but for our own.
I ask myself why the Lord would give such a gift to Sampson. I believe we are all eternal creatures with talents and tendencies that create who we are. Why would the Lord give something so powerful to someone who surely had tendencies of pride and arrogance in the pre-mortal world? I answer myself... why not? This journey is all about changing who we have a tendency to be into what God wants us to be... like He is. None of us is perfect, no one would act perfectly with any gift they are given. We will each be tested to see what we'll do with our gifts and earthly experience, so what will we choose? What will I choose?
From today's post at DCTC I am reminded, through the creation, of God's love. Christ assisted in all of God's creation's except man. I know as an artist I have a certain measure of care and heart that I've put out there into each creation. I imagine that by creating man, God could give each of us a part of Him, to cling to while we are here on earth.
Last, from my BofM reading yesterday
2N 28 - Stirred unto repentance. Lord keeps urging to repent and come to Him. In these last days when the world has forgotten Him, he will take drastic measures to remind us all that He is, repent, be clean, and come unto Him.
v. 21 - pacify and lull them into carnal security, all is well in Zion. Complacency, no need to really try, and by not making a choice and strengthening our conviction to that choice we are led away. In the book 'God Wants a Powerful People' by Sherri Dew she says '... constant exposure to evil and evil-doing unfortunately breeds familiarity, then tolerance, followed by begrudging acceptance, and finally endorsement.
Today I'm thankful for:
FHE book for the year. I want to plan lessons for the month on the first Sunday, so all the planning is done, just need to execute. I'm SOOOOO bad at FHE, but continue to feel prompted to DO IT! I hope this helps me.
Finding the day seems to be the challenge. Monday's are no good. Tuesday's are busy. I need to do it Wednesday.
looking out my window upstairs, taken through the windows and blinds.
I can write down one thing a day to be thankful for. I can write an uplifting message.
I want to improve my photography. I want to take a photo a day, a good one, one that is well thought out. It may or may not be what I am thankful for.
Scriptural thoughts for today:
Abraham 1:11 - virtuous daughters. they were of the linage of Noah. they were the lord's covenant daughters, they knew and they lived it by choice. they died because of what they believe, in a living God. they would not turn to the world, they had no interest in it.
When I hear the word 'virtue' I think of 'cleanliness and purity'. I want to live a virtuous life.
Going to Mark 5:30 the Savior felt his 'virtue' leave him as his robe was touched by someone who was unclean.
Symbolic, first of all, that we can find virtue (cleanliness and purity), or as the footnote states, power and strength through the Savior.
Symbolic that he felt it leave him. We feel it leave, do we get it back or slowly become ok w/o it? Symbolic that uncleanliness leads to loss of strength and power.
Symbolic that by having virtue and developing that character trait we are prepared to be with God. If she was prepared and touched His robe, would His strength have left Him?
Yesterday at institute we talked about Sampson. Know the story, but have never read through those chapters, and at least had them impact me. Was good to review his story and who he was.
Judges 14-16 - This man was given a gift from the Lord. He taunted others with it. He was proud. Does he even remember who gave him that gift? He certainly wasn't a worthy servant of the Lord, but he still maintained his gift from the Lord, by holding onto his hair.
Symbolic that the Lord never took away what he had given Sampson. He will never take away, it is us that leave. Only by Sampson telling Delilah what his gift was, making himself completely vulnerable to her, knowing she was going to exploit that, because she had several times, did he actually lose it. He had forgotten.
Symbolic making ourselves vulnerable to the one who wants to hurt us. He was strong, yet he let her tie him up... three times! He wanted to show her no one could hurt him, so he kept letting her tie him up. What made him choose to actually tell her the truth about his gift though? Why did he make the choice to leave the Lord? He certainly wasn't behaving in a way which makes us think he knew the Lord. He had become so numb that I suspect he really didn't know the impact of his decision, which is how Satan works.
Had he really forgotten? After he is taken away, blinded and imprisoned. He called to the Lord, so he could have revenge! The Lord didn't answer his prayer because of Sampson's change of heart. He destroyed that building to show them all the God of Sampson is God, not to be confused with Dagon, the Philistine's God, who they thought had delivered Sampson to them. It wasn't Dagon, it was Sampson himself who gave himself to them. God will not be mocked and reminded us here that He is ruler of all, despite our choice to be with him or not. I see that in my life. Choices everywhere to not acknowledge He is the true and living God. To not use our gifts and acknowledge they do indeed come from a Father that loves us and wants for us to reach to Him, not for His own power and well-being, but for our own.
I ask myself why the Lord would give such a gift to Sampson. I believe we are all eternal creatures with talents and tendencies that create who we are. Why would the Lord give something so powerful to someone who surely had tendencies of pride and arrogance in the pre-mortal world? I answer myself... why not? This journey is all about changing who we have a tendency to be into what God wants us to be... like He is. None of us is perfect, no one would act perfectly with any gift they are given. We will each be tested to see what we'll do with our gifts and earthly experience, so what will we choose? What will I choose?
From today's post at DCTC I am reminded, through the creation, of God's love. Christ assisted in all of God's creation's except man. I know as an artist I have a certain measure of care and heart that I've put out there into each creation. I imagine that by creating man, God could give each of us a part of Him, to cling to while we are here on earth.
Last, from my BofM reading yesterday
2N 28 - Stirred unto repentance. Lord keeps urging to repent and come to Him. In these last days when the world has forgotten Him, he will take drastic measures to remind us all that He is, repent, be clean, and come unto Him.
v. 21 - pacify and lull them into carnal security, all is well in Zion. Complacency, no need to really try, and by not making a choice and strengthening our conviction to that choice we are led away. In the book 'God Wants a Powerful People' by Sherri Dew she says '... constant exposure to evil and evil-doing unfortunately breeds familiarity, then tolerance, followed by begrudging acceptance, and finally endorsement.
Today I'm thankful for:
FHE book for the year. I want to plan lessons for the month on the first Sunday, so all the planning is done, just need to execute. I'm SOOOOO bad at FHE, but continue to feel prompted to DO IT! I hope this helps me.
Finding the day seems to be the challenge. Monday's are no good. Tuesday's are busy. I need to do it Wednesday.
looking out my window upstairs, taken through the windows and blinds.
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