Sunday 1/29
Thankful for...
Snow! I know it seems silly, but we've been waiting. It looks so pretty outside! And, it's nice to be cuddled inside with my family safe and warm.
AND, I'm thankful for some motivation! Finally!
Study time...
Finished reading Alma 3&4.
Studied a bit today about the sons of perdition, my interest piqued by our GD lesson today.
Also our talk of the two separate entities that are present in this life sent me back to Sherri Dew's book for this quote. She says "There is one thing the power of God and the power of Satan have in common: Neither can influence us unless we allow them to... the kind of power operating in our lives is entirely up to us."
Also talked/thought about the quote in back of my scriptures by Oaks. Our lives aren't a sum of the things we've done, rather what we've become, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become... Thinking about how our doing determines what we are becoming. Life isn't a sum of good and evil acts, but surely those acts have shaped the end result. How do we get the results we want? Change our actions so they support, reflect and shape in the better way.
My desk really looks like this! How many study items does one girl need?
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