Thankful for...
Little boys that are buddies. I painted the family room. How could I do that with two little boys at home? Really, I didn't take a shower until after the big kids came home! I painted all morning! Those little boys were great! They stayed out of the room, didn't touch the paint, kept each other busy. I only occasionally stopped to feed them and dispel an argument or two. Glad to get that room done!
Study time...
Enos - Enos is known for his prayer. What led him to prayer? He was out hunting, and thinking, about the things his father had taught him he was pondering...
4. Ponder
To ponder is to meditate, to think, to feast, and to treasure. It is more than a mental method, it is a spiritual striving to obtain and to understand truth. We should follow the process taught by the Savior to the Nephites as he taught them sacred principles. He then instructed them to “Go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow.” (3 Ne. 17:3.)
We should ponder the meanings of the things we learn from our search of the scriptures. The Apostle Paul instructed the Philippian Saints to “think on these things.” (Philip. 4:8.) To think involves forming mental images in the mind and focusing intently upon that which has been discovered. Nephi counseled to “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne. 32:3.) To feast is to consume, to digest, to absorb.
As we ponder, we should follow the counsel of the Savior when he said, “Treasure up in your minds continually the words of life.” (D&C 84:85). This implies that we should repeat in our minds the principles we have learned and draw upon them in each of our decisions. resource...
I can tell a difference in the days that I haven't stopped to think and ponder... to strive spiritually to obtain truth and understanding.
I met w/ a client at the Galleria mall, spent some time looking afterwards. Bought these time keepers at PB.

Thankful for...
Errand running by myself. Matt stayed home today w/ eye funk. Left E w/ him then took O to preschool. Had a couple of hours to run around by myself. Nice.
Study time...
Jacob 6:5 - full purpose of heart... cleave unto God and he cleaveth unto you
cleave 2 (kl

3. To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air.
intr.v. cleaved, cleav·ing, cleaves
Jacob 7 - First anti-Christ. Noting his teachings to beware today. 1) Things that were flattering to the people. 2) No man can tell of things to come. (we believe no man knows the day the Lord will come, but we certainly believe in prophecy through a living prophet) 3) claimed to believe in scriptures, but didn't understand them, that they spoke of Christ. 4) Would not accept evidence except through physical senses.
1. To adhere, cling, or stick fast.
2. To be faithful: cleave to one's principles.
I like that first definition which suggests more than just holding tight, piercing goes deeper than the surface. Cleaving unto the Lord would mean more than just being faithful to Him or his teachings, it would suggest more depth. He certainly knows us in depth, do we strive to remember what we know about Him?
Took O to his first day of preschool today. He was so excited! He is ready. Took pic of G like this years ago, seems like yesterday he was sitting in that car seat.
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